Class ContextSubscriber

Package class diagram package ContextSubscriber
  extended by org.universAAL.middleware.bus.member.BusMember
      extended by org.universAAL.middleware.bus.member.Subscriber
          extended by org.universAAL.middleware.context.ContextSubscriber
Direct Known Subclasses:
AdapterUserLocation, ContextEventRecorder, ContextHistorySubscriber, CSubscriber, CSubscriber2, CSubsMulti, DefaultContextSubscriber, DeviceContextListener, LightingConsumer, LightingConsumer, LightingConsumer, MobileHistorySubscriber, MyActivityHubContextListener, ReliabilityReasonerSubscriber, SituationMonitorImpl, Subscriber, Subscriber, Suscriber, UIPreferencesBufferSubscriptor, UtilSubscriber, WrapperC

public abstract class ContextSubscriber
extends Subscriber

Provides the interface to be implemented by context subscribers together with shared code. Only instances of this class can subscribe for context events. The convention of the context bus regarding the registration parameters is the following:

mtazari - Saied Tazari

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.universAAL.middleware.bus.member.BusMember
busResourceURI, owner, theBus
Constructor Summary
protected ContextSubscriber(ModuleContext connectingModule, ContextEventPattern[] initialSubscriptions)
          Creates a Context Subscriber and immediately registers a set of Context Event Patterns for it, so it receives the matching events.
Method Summary
protected  void addNewRegParams(ContextEventPattern[] newSubscriptions)
          Registers more ContextEventPattern for this Subscriber in addition to those that might have passed initially
 void busDyingOut(AbstractBus b)
          This method is called when the bus is stopped to announce this to the bus members.
abstract  void communicationChannelBroken()
          Method to be called when the communication of the Subsccriber with the Context Bus is lost.
 ContextEventPattern[] getAllProvisions()
          Returns all provisions registered by all ContextPublishers on all instances of context bus in the current AAL Space.
 String getMyID()
abstract  void handleContextEvent(ContextEvent event)
          Method to be called when an Event forwarded in the Context Bus matches one of the Patterns registered by this Subscriber.
 void handleEvent(BusMessage m)
protected  void removeMatchingRegParams(ContextEventPattern[] oldSubscriptions)
          Unregisters a set of ContextEventPattern that had been previously registered for this Subscriber.
Methods inherited from class org.universAAL.middleware.bus.member.BusMember
close, getType, getURI
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected ContextSubscriber(ModuleContext connectingModule,
                            ContextEventPattern[] initialSubscriptions)
Creates a Context Subscriber and immediately registers a set of Context Event Patterns for it, so it receives the matching events.

connectingModule - The module context of the module creating the Publisher
initialSubscriptions - Array of ContextEventPattern that are immediately registered for this Subscriber
NullPointerException - if newSubscriptions is null or one of the elements of that array is null
Method Detail


protected final void addNewRegParams(ContextEventPattern[] newSubscriptions)
Registers more ContextEventPattern for this Subscriber in addition to those that might have passed initially

newSubscriptions - The additional array of ContextEventPattern
NullPointerException - if newSubscriptions is null or one of the elements of that array is null


protected final void removeMatchingRegParams(ContextEventPattern[] oldSubscriptions)
Unregisters a set of ContextEventPattern that had been previously registered for this Subscriber. The Subscriber will no longer receive Events matching these Patterns.

oldSubscriptions -


public abstract void communicationChannelBroken()
Method to be called when the communication of the Subsccriber with the Context Bus is lost.


public final void busDyingOut(AbstractBus b)
Description copied from class: BusMember
This method is called when the bus is stopped to announce this to the bus members.

Specified by:
busDyingOut in class BusMember
b - bus on which this member has been registered
See Also:


public ContextEventPattern[] getAllProvisions()
Returns all provisions registered by all ContextPublishers on all instances of context bus in the current AAL Space.


public abstract void handleContextEvent(ContextEvent event)
Method to be called when an Event forwarded in the Context Bus matches one of the Patterns registered by this Subscriber.

event - The Context Event that matched the registered Patterns
NullPointerException - if the event is null


public final void handleEvent(BusMessage m)


public String getMyID()

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