Class UtilSubscriber

Package class diagram package UtilSubscriber
  extended by org.universAAL.middleware.bus.member.BusMember
      extended by org.universAAL.middleware.bus.member.Subscriber
          extended by org.universAAL.middleware.context.ContextSubscriber
              extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:
SubscriberExample, SubscriberExample

public abstract class UtilSubscriber
extends ContextSubscriber

This abstract class can be extended to create a simple Context Subscriber. This simple Subscriber extends the normal ContextSubscriber, but allows specifying everything it needs in its constructor. Also because of this it can be used as well with the native API to apply further restrictions and configuration over it. Your class that extends this will receive the specified events in the handleContextEvent method.

Example: A subscriber that listens for events of status of Heater Actuators.

subscriber = new SubscriberExample(context, HeaterActuator.MY_URI,

HeaterActuator.PROP_STATUS, null);


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.universAAL.middleware.bus.member.BusMember
busResourceURI, owner, theBus
Constructor Summary
protected UtilSubscriber(ModuleContext context, ManagedIndividual subj, String predicate, Object obj)
          Create a simple Context Subscriber that will listen to the events matching what is specified in the constructor.
protected UtilSubscriber(ModuleContext context, ManagedIndividual subj, String predicate, String objTypeURI)
          Create a simple Context Subscriber that will listen to the events matching what is specified in the constructor.
protected UtilSubscriber(ModuleContext context, String subjTypeURI, String predicate, Object obj)
          Create a simple Context Subscriber that will listen to the events matching what is specified in the constructor.
protected UtilSubscriber(ModuleContext context, String subjTypeURI, String predicate, String objTypeURI)
          Create a simple Context Subscriber that will listen to the events matching what is specified in the constructor.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.universAAL.middleware.context.ContextSubscriber
addNewRegParams, busDyingOut, communicationChannelBroken, getAllProvisions, getMyID, handleContextEvent, handleEvent, removeMatchingRegParams
Methods inherited from class org.universAAL.middleware.bus.member.BusMember
close, getType, getURI
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected UtilSubscriber(ModuleContext context,
                         String subjTypeURI,
                         String predicate,
                         String objTypeURI)
Create a simple Context Subscriber that will listen to the events matching what is specified in the constructor.

context - The universAAL module context.
subjTypeURI - The type URI that the provided events subject must have. Null for any.
predicate - The exact predicate that the provided events must equal. Null for any.
objTypeURI - The type URI that the provided events object must have. Null for any.


protected UtilSubscriber(ModuleContext context,
                         ManagedIndividual subj,
                         String predicate,
                         String objTypeURI)
Create a simple Context Subscriber that will listen to the events matching what is specified in the constructor.

context - The universAAL module context.
subj - The exact instance that the provided events subject must equal. Null for any.
predicate - The exact predicate that the provided events must equal. Null for any.
objTypeURI - The type URI that the provided events object must have. Null for any.


protected UtilSubscriber(ModuleContext context,
                         ManagedIndividual subj,
                         String predicate,
                         Object obj)
Create a simple Context Subscriber that will listen to the events matching what is specified in the constructor.

context - The universAAL module context.
subj - The exact instance that the event subject must equal. Null for any.
predicate - The exact predicate that the event must equal. Null for any.
obj - The exact instance that the event object must equal. Null for any.


protected UtilSubscriber(ModuleContext context,
                         String subjTypeURI,
                         String predicate,
                         Object obj)
Create a simple Context Subscriber that will listen to the events matching what is specified in the constructor.

context - The universAAL module context.
subjTypeURI - The type URI that the event subject must have. Null for any.
predicate - The exact predicate that the event must equal. Null for any.
obj - The exact instance that the event object must equal. Null for any.

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