Uses of Class

Packages that use ComparableIndividual

Uses of ComparableIndividual in org.universAAL.middleware.owl

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.owl that return ComparableIndividual
 ComparableIndividual ComparableIndividual.getClassMaximum()
static ComparableIndividual ComparableIndividual.getClassMaximum(Class claz)
 ComparableIndividual ComparableIndividual.getClassMinimum()
static ComparableIndividual ComparableIndividual.getClassMinimum(Class claz)
static ComparableIndividual ComparableIndividual.getMaximum()
          Returns the "largest" instance in this class, if it exists.
static ComparableIndividual ComparableIndividual.getMinimum()
          Returns the "smallest" instance in this class, if it exists.
abstract  ComparableIndividual ComparableIndividual.getNext()
          Get the next value according to the total order of this comparable individual.
abstract  ComparableIndividual ComparableIndividual.getPrevious()
          Get the previous value according to the total order of this comparable individual.

Constructors in org.universAAL.middleware.owl with parameters of type ComparableIndividual
IndividualRestriction(ComparableIndividual min, boolean minInclusive, ComparableIndividual max, boolean maxInclusive)

Uses of ComparableIndividual in

Subclasses of ComparableIndividual in
 class AbsLocation
          A very abstract representation of locations just at a level needed by the middleware.
 class LevelRating
 class Rating
          An enumeration originally designed for rating the perceived quality of a service but kept at a more generally shared level, because it can be used not only for rating services but generally as a rating system.

Methods in that return ComparableIndividual
 ComparableIndividual Rating.getNext()
 ComparableIndividual LevelRating.getNext()
 ComparableIndividual Rating.getPrevious()
 ComparableIndividual LevelRating.getPrevious()

Uses of ComparableIndividual in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.owl

Subclasses of ComparableIndividual in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.owl
 class PrivacyLevel
          Defines privacy levels that can be: insensible, known_people_only, intimates_only, home_mates_only, personal

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.owl that return ComparableIndividual
 ComparableIndividual PrivacyLevel.getNext()
          Returns with next privacy level
 ComparableIndividual PrivacyLevel.getPrevious()
          Returns with previuos privacy level

Uses of ComparableIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location

Subclasses of ComparableIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location
 class Location
          Ontological representation of the location of a physical thing.
 class Place
          Ontological representation of a place (which is not only a location but also has some more properties.
 class Way
          Ontological representation of a way, which is a physical embodiment of a path.

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.location that return ComparableIndividual
 ComparableIndividual Location.getNext()
 ComparableIndividual Location.getPrevious()

Uses of ComparableIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location.indoor

Subclasses of ComparableIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location.indoor
 class BuildingLevel
          Ontological representation of a level of a building (the whole floor).
 class Corridor
          Ontological representation of corridor in a house.
 class EntranceHall
          Ontological representation of the entrance hall of a house.
 class Hall
          Ontological representation of the hall of a house.
 class Home
          Ontological representation of a house as an indoor place.
 class HomeArea
          Ontological representation of a delimited area within a house (do not mistake with the house itself).
 class IndoorPlace
          Ontological representation of a place that is covered (indoors).
 class Room
          Ontological representation of a room in a house.
 class StairCase
          Ontological representation of a staircase area in a house.
 class StairWay
          Ontological representation of a stairway connecting levels.

Uses of ComparableIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location.outdoor

Subclasses of ComparableIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location.outdoor
 class Building
          Ontological representation of any building.
 class City
          Ontological representation of a city as a generic outdoor place.
 class CityPlace
          Ontological representation of an outdoor place in a city.
 class CityQuarter
          Ontological representation of a city quarter or neighborhood.
 class CityRegion
          Ontological representation of a region in which a city is divided.
 class Country
          Ontological representation of a country as a generic outdoor place.
 class OutdoorPlace
          Ontological representation of a place located outdoors.
 class Region
          Ontological representation of a region as a generic outdoor place.
 class State
          Ontological representation of a state as a generic outdoor place.

Uses of ComparableIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location.position

Subclasses of ComparableIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location.position
 class Point
          Ontological representation of an exact point in a geometric coordinate system.

Uses of ComparableIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.profile

Subclasses of ComparableIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.profile
 class AALSpace
          Ontology class representing an AAL Space

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