Package org.universAAL.middleware.owl

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.middleware.owl
Interface Summary
DatatypePropertySetup Setup interface for creating new datatype properties.
ObjectPropertySetup Setup interface for creating new object properties.
OntClassInfoSetup Setup interface for creating new OWL classes.

Class Summary
AllValuesFromRestriction Implementation of OWL AllValuesFrom Restriction: it contains all individuals that are connected by the specified property to individuals that are instances of the specified class expression.
BoundedValueRestriction Implementation of XSD Value Restrictions: it contains all values (literals or individuals) that meet the specified conditions.
ComparableIndividual Represents the class of individuals that can be compared to other individuals for finding out their (partial) order.
Complement A complement class expression of a class expression CE contains all individuals that are not instances of the class expression CE.
DatatypeProperty Definition of an OWL datatype property.
Enumeration An enumeration of the individuals a1 ... an contains exactly the individuals ai for 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
ExactCardinalityRestriction Implementation of OWL ExactCardinality Restriction: it contains all individuals that are connected by the specified property to exact exact individuals that are instances of the specified class expression.
HasValueRestriction Implementation of OWL HasValue Restriction: it contains all individuals that are connected by the specified property to the given individual.
Intersection An intersection of a set of class expressions CE1 ...
ManagedIndividual The root of the whole manageable class hierarchy in uAAL.
MaxCardinalityRestriction Implementation of OWL MaxCardinality Restriction: it contains all individuals that are connected by the specified property to at most max individuals that are instances of the specified class expression.
MergedRestriction Helper class to handle multiple PropertyRestrictions of the same property.
MinCardinalityRestriction Implementation of OWL MinCardinality Restriction: it contains all individuals that are connected by the specified property to at least min individuals that are instances of the specified class expression.
ObjectProperty Definition of an OWL object property.
OntClassInfo Definition of an OWL class.
Ontology The implementation of an OWL ontology.
OntologyManagement The Ontology Management mainly serves two purposes: Management of ontologies Providing a global view on all ontological information The management of ontologies is achieved by providing methods to register and unregister an ontology as well as to query information about ontologies, i.e. to get a list of URIs of all registered ontologies with OntologyManagement.getOntoloyURIs() and to get a specific ontology with OntologyManagement.getOntology(String).
PropertyRestriction The base class of all simple restrictions.
SomeValuesFromRestriction Implementation of OWL SomeValuesFrom Restriction: it contains all individals that are connected by the specified property to an individual that is an instances of the specified class expression.
TypeExpression A class for the concept of OWL class expressions and OWL data ranges, which represent sets of individuals by formally specifying conditions on the individuals' properties.
TypeURI Represents the URI of the type of an ontology class.
Union A union of a set of class expression CE1 ...

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