Uses of Class

Packages that use PropertyRestriction

Uses of PropertyRestriction in org.universAAL.middleware.owl

Subclasses of PropertyRestriction in org.universAAL.middleware.owl
 class AllValuesFromRestriction
          Implementation of OWL AllValuesFrom Restriction: it contains all individuals that are connected by the specified property to individuals that are instances of the specified class expression.
 class ExactCardinalityRestriction
          Implementation of OWL ExactCardinality Restriction: it contains all individuals that are connected by the specified property to exact exact individuals that are instances of the specified class expression.
 class HasValueRestriction
          Implementation of OWL HasValue Restriction: it contains all individuals that are connected by the specified property to the given individual.
 class MaxCardinalityRestriction
          Implementation of OWL MaxCardinality Restriction: it contains all individuals that are connected by the specified property to at most max individuals that are instances of the specified class expression.
 class MinCardinalityRestriction
          Implementation of OWL MinCardinality Restriction: it contains all individuals that are connected by the specified property to at least min individuals that are instances of the specified class expression.
 class SomeValuesFromRestriction
          Implementation of OWL SomeValuesFrom Restriction: it contains all individals that are connected by the specified property to an individual that is an instances of the specified class expression.

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.owl that return PropertyRestriction
static PropertyRestriction PropertyRestriction.getRestriction(ArrayList a, String restrictionURI)
          Get a restriction with the given class URI from the given set of restrictions.
 PropertyRestriction MergedRestriction.getRestriction(int id)
          Get a specific PropertyRestriction.

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.owl with parameters of type PropertyRestriction
 MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.addRestriction(PropertyRestriction res)
          Add a new Restriction, performing a sanity check.
 boolean MergedRestriction.addRestrictionCheck(PropertyRestriction res)
          Add a new Restriction, performing a sanity check.
protected  TypeExpression PropertyRestriction.copyTo(PropertyRestriction copy)
          Helper method to copy Restrictions.

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