Uses of Class

Packages that use TypeURI

Uses of TypeURI in org.universAAL.middleware.owl

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.owl that return TypeURI
static TypeURI TypeURI.asTypeURI(Object o)
          Creates a new TypeURI instance according to the given object.

Uses of TypeURI in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owls.process

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owls.process with parameters of type TypeURI
 void ProcessResult.addClassConversionOutputBinding(ProcessOutput toParam, PropertyPath sourceProp, TypeURI targetClass)
          Add class conversion output binding to a process output parameter

Uses of TypeURI in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owls.profile

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owls.profile with parameters of type TypeURI
 void ServiceProfile.addClassConversionOutputBinding(ProcessOutput toParam, String[] sourceProp, TypeURI targetClass)
          Declares that the output parameter specified by toParam will be an instance of the given targetClass as a result of converting the actual value of a property reachable by the given property path sourceProp.

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