Interface AvailabilitySubscriber

Package class diagram package AvailabilitySubscriber

public interface AvailabilitySubscriber

This interface is implemented whether components that would like to be notified whenever a new service realization is registered or deregistered. An availability notification answers whether if realization of a service is available

mtazari - Saied Tazari

Method Summary
 void serviceRegistered(String requestURI, String realizationID)
          Whenever a service is registered we need to pass two parameteres for mapping the notification to a specific subscription.
 void serviceUnregistered(String requestURI, String realizationID)
          Whenever a service is deregistered we need to pass two parameteres for mapping the notification to a specific subscription.

Method Detail


void serviceRegistered(String requestURI,
                       String realizationID)
Whenever a service is registered we need to pass two parameteres for mapping the notification to a specific subscription.

requestURI - the URI of the original ServiceRequest object
realizationID - a unique ID for each matched offer because of possible multiple matches to a certain request


void serviceUnregistered(String requestURI,
                         String realizationID)
Whenever a service is deregistered we need to pass two parameteres for mapping the notification to a specific subscription.

requestURI - the URI of the original ServiceRequest object
realizationID - a unique ID for each matched offer because of possible multiple matches to a certain request

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