Package org.universAAL.middleware.service

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.middleware.service
Interface Summary
AvailabilitySubscriber This interface is implemented whether components that would like to be notified whenever a new service realization is registered or deregistered.
ServiceBus The service bus is a call-based bus, i.e., the ServiceCaller members who post a message to this bus normally have a service request and would like to receive a response in return, especially if the service result also includes the provision of specific info.

Class Summary
AggregatingFilter The aggregatingFilter class together with ServiceRequest class cover the CALL clause of a SPARQL-like query.
AggregatingFilterFactory A Factory to create different kinds of AggregatingFilter.
AggregationFunction The AggregationFunction class includes the required functions in the SELECT clause of a the SPARQL-like query.
CallStatus The CallStatus simply describes the possible status of the services.
DefaultServiceCaller The default service caller simply ignores the notification about losing connection to other instances of the middleware and calls the services either only in an synchronous way (using the method or ignores the asynchronous responses.
ServiceCall Operations of ServiceCallees will be called by passing an instance of this class.
ServiceCallee This is an abstract class that the service callee members of the service bus must derive from.
ServiceCaller /** This is an abstract class that the service caller members of the service bus must derive from.
ServiceRequest A class that represents a service request resource, which is used by the ServiceCaller-s when performing synchronous or asynchronous requests.
ServiceResponse A class that represents a service response resource, which is produced by the ServiceCallee-s when handling calls, and are delivered to the ServiceCaller-s as a result of their requests.

Enum Summary
AggregatingFilterFactory.MinMax Definition of the type of the aggregation functions: either a minimum value or a maximum value.

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