Uses of Class

Packages that use AggregatingFilter

Uses of AggregatingFilter in org.universAAL.middleware.service

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service that return AggregatingFilter
static AggregatingFilter AggregatingFilterFactory.createOutputAggregationFilter(AggregatingFilterFactory.MinMax type)
          Creates an output aggregation filter.
static AggregatingFilter AggregatingFilterFactory.createOutputAggregationFilter(AggregatingFilterFactory.MinMax type, AbsLocation location)
          Creates an output aggregation filter.
static AggregatingFilter AggregatingFilterFactory.createServiceSelectionFilter()
          Create a service selection filter that selects one service randomly.
static AggregatingFilter AggregatingFilterFactory.createServiceSelectionFilter(AggregatingFilterFactory.MinMax type, String nonFunctionalParamPropURI)
          Creates a service selection filter that evaluates a non-functional parameter that is not related to a location.
static AggregatingFilter AggregatingFilterFactory.createServiceSelectionFilter(AggregatingFilterFactory.MinMax type, String nonFunctionalParamPropURI, AbsLocation location)
          Creates a service selection filter that evaluates a non-functional parameter that is related to a location.
 AggregatingFilter AggregatingFilter.toLiteral()
          Returns a copy of this filter that serializes as XML Literal.

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service that return types with arguments of type AggregatingFilter
 List<AggregatingFilter> ServiceRequest.getFilters()
          Returns the list of aggregating filters added previously by calls to ServiceRequest.addAggregatingFilter(AggregatingFilter).

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service with parameters of type AggregatingFilter
 void ServiceRequest.addAggregatingFilter(AggregatingFilter f)
          Adds filtering functions such as max(aProp) to the request as criteria to be used by the service bus for match-making and service selection.
 void ServiceRequest.addAggregatingOutputBinding(ProcessOutput toParam, AggregatingFilter f)
          Adds the requirement that the service must deliver an output with type restrictions bound to the given toParam and that the service bus then must select the result set that passes the given aggregating filter f.

Uses of AggregatingFilter in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owls.process

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owls.process with parameters of type AggregatingFilter
 void ProcessResult.addAggregatingOutputBinding(ProcessOutput toParam, AggregatingFilter filter)
          Add aggregated output binding to a process output parameter

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