Uses of Class

Packages that use ProcessOutput

Uses of ProcessOutput in org.universAAL.middleware.service

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service with parameters of type ProcessOutput
 void ServiceRequest.addAggregatingOutputBinding(ProcessOutput toParam, AggregatingFilter f)
          Adds the requirement that the service must deliver an output with type restrictions bound to the given toParam and that the service bus then must select the result set that passes the given aggregating filter f.
 void ServiceResponse.addOutput(ProcessOutput output)
          Adds output payload to this object.
 void ServiceRequest.addSimpleOutputBinding(ProcessOutput toParam, String[] sourceProp)
          Adds the requirement that the service must deliver an output with type restrictions bound to the given toParam and that this must reflect the value of a property reachable by the given property path sourceProp.

Uses of ProcessOutput in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owls.process

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owls.process that return ProcessOutput
static ProcessOutput ProcessOutput.toOutput(Resource r)
          Convert the resource passed as a parameter to a ProcessOutput instance

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owls.process with parameters of type ProcessOutput
 void ProcessResult.addAggregatingOutputBinding(ProcessOutput toParam, AggregatingFilter filter)
          Add aggregated output binding to a process output parameter
 void ProcessResult.addClassConversionOutputBinding(ProcessOutput toParam, PropertyPath sourceProp, TypeURI targetClass)
          Add class conversion output binding to a process output parameter
 void ProcessResult.addLangConversionOutputBinding(ProcessOutput toParam, PropertyPath sourceProp, String targetLang)
          Add language conversion output binding to a process output parameter
 void ProcessResult.addSimpleOutputBinding(ProcessOutput toParam, PropertyPath sourceProp)
          Add simple output binding to a process output parameter
 void ProcessResult.addUnitConversionOutputBinding(ProcessOutput toParam, PropertyPath sourceProp, String targetUnit)
          Add unit conversion output binding to a process output parameter

Uses of ProcessOutput in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owls.profile

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owls.profile with parameters of type ProcessOutput
 void ServiceProfile.addClassConversionOutputBinding(ProcessOutput toParam, String[] sourceProp, TypeURI targetClass)
          Declares that the output parameter specified by toParam will be an instance of the given targetClass as a result of converting the actual value of a property reachable by the given property path sourceProp.
 void ServiceProfile.addLangConversionOutputBinding(ProcessOutput toParam, String[] sourceProp, String targetLang)
          Declares that the output parameter specified by toParam will be the translation of the actual value of a property reachable by the given property path sourceProp into the given targetLang.
 void ServiceProfile.addOutput(ProcessOutput out)
          Adds the given output parameter to the set of this service's output parameters.
 void ServiceProfile.addSimpleOutputBinding(ProcessOutput toParam, String[] sourceProp)
          Declares that the output parameter specified by toParam will reflect the value of a property reachable by the given property path sourceProp.
 void ServiceProfile.addUnitConversionOutputBinding(ProcessOutput toParam, String[] sourceProp, String targetUnit)
          Declares that the output parameter specified by toParam will reflect the value of a property reachable by the given property path sourceProp in terms of the given measurement unit targetUnit.

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