Interface IUIBus

Package class diagram package IUIBus
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IUIBus

The IUIBus is responsible for brokerage between applications that need to reach human users (in order to present information to them and / or ask them for intervention) and the so-called UIHandlers that can handle the interaction with human users through UI channels under their control. This bus is a call-based bus without any support for synchronized delivery of replies (replies will always be delivered in a new thread). It defines protocols for suspending and resuming dialogs, dynamic adaptation of "rendering" by a previously selected UIHandler during the dialog is running, and transfer of responsibility to another UIHandler. It accepts registration parameters from UIHandlers (when they register to the bus) and allows removing and/or updating of these parameters.

mtazari, eandgrg

Method Summary
 void abortDialog(String callerID, String dialogID)
          Aborts the dialog upon request from the application or Dialog Manager.
 void adaptationParametersChanged(IDialogManager dm, UIRequest uicall, String changedProp)
          Only the Dialog Manager (DM) can call this method.
 void addNewProfile(String handlerID, UIHandlerProfile uiHandlerProfile)
          Extends the profile of a registered subscriber (UIHandler) with regard to UIRequests that it can handle.
 void brokerUIRequest(String callerID, UIRequest uicall)
          Can be used by applications to send a UIRequest.
 void dialogFinished(String handlerID, UIResponse uiResponse)
          Whenever a dialog is finished, UIHandlers must inform the IUIBus by calling this method.
 void dialogSuspended(IDialogManager dm, String dialogID)
          Only the Dialog Manager (DM) can call this method.
 UIHandlerProfile[] getMatchingProfiles(String modalityRegex)
          Retrieves all registered UIHandlerProfiles that has restriction for modality matched by modalityRegex
 void removeMatchingProfile(String handlerID, UIHandlerProfile oldUIHandlerProfile)
          Removes matching patterns of UIRequests from the profile of the UIHandler.
 void resumeDialog(String callerID, String dialogID, Resource dialogData)
          Applications can use this method to ask the IUIBus to resume a dialog that was interrupted due to the activation of a sub-dialog of it.
 void unregister(String callerID, UICaller uicaller)
          Unregisters an application's caller from the bus.
 void unregister(String handlerID, UIHandler uiHandler)
          Unregisters the given UIHandler from the bus..
 void userLoggedIn(String handlerID, Resource user, AbsLocation loginLocation)
          Notifies IUIBus that the human user has logged in (using UIHandler).

Method Detail


void abortDialog(String callerID,
                 String dialogID)
Aborts the dialog upon request from the application or Dialog Manager. No matter which one has requested the abort, the bus informs both when the operation is finished (informing the caller as a sort of acknowledgment and informing the other one to prevent unnecessary waiting).

callerID - ID of the application that had originally started the dialog
dialogID - ID of the dialog


void adaptationParametersChanged(IDialogManager dm,
                                 UIRequest uicall,
                                 String changedProp)
Only the Dialog Manager (DM) can call this method. When the DM notices that personal and / or situational parameters relevant for a running dialog have changed, it notifies the IUIBus by calling this method. The IUIBus may then either notify the UIHandler in charge of that dialog to consider the changes (if the changes in the adaptation parameters still match its profile -- see also UIHandler.adaptationParametersChanged(String, String, Object)) or switch to another UIHandler (if the new situation cannot be handled by the previous UIHandler). In the latter case, the previous UIHandler is notified to abort the dialog while returning any intermediate user input collected so far (by calling UIHandler.cutDialog(String)), and then the new UIHandler is mandated (by calling UIHandler.handleUICall(UIRequest)) to continue with the dialog presentation without loss of data.

dm - Dialog Manager
uicall - The whole call context that is affected by the change, including the dialog ID and the the new value of the changed property
changedProp - the property (from among all properties of the call context) that has changed


void addNewProfile(String handlerID,
                   UIHandlerProfile uiHandlerProfile)
Extends the profile of a registered subscriber (UIHandler) with regard to UIRequests that it can handle. Responsible (together with removeMatchingProfile(String, UIHandlerProfile)) for changing the handler's profile dynamically.

handlerID - ID of the UIHandler introducing the new registration parameters
uiHandlerProfile - the new class of UIRequests that can additionally be handled by the given UIHandler


void dialogFinished(String handlerID,
                    UIResponse uiResponse)
Whenever a dialog is finished, UIHandlers must inform the IUIBus by calling this method.

handlerID - ID of the UIHandler that has finished the dialog
{@link - UIHandler} response The user input constructed by calling UIResponse.UIResponse(Resource, AbsLocation, Submit)


void dialogSuspended(IDialogManager dm,
                     String dialogID)
Only the Dialog Manager (DM) can call this method. When the DM wants that a running dialog is substituted by another dialog (e.g., because a new UIRequest with a higher priority than the running one is addressing the same user, or because the user wants to switch to another dialog using the "standard buttons"), then it must notify the IUIBus by calling this method. The IUIBus will then ask the UIHandler in charge of handling the running dialog to cut that dialog (see UIHandler.cutDialog(String)) and return all user input collected so far so that the dialog can be resumed later without loss of data.

dm - Dialog Manager
dialogID - ID of the dialog to suspend


void removeMatchingProfile(String handlerID,
                           UIHandlerProfile oldUIHandlerProfile)
Removes matching patterns of UIRequests from the profile of the UIHandler. Responsible (together with addNewProfile(String, UIHandlerProfile)) for changing the handler's profile dynamically.

handlerID - ID of the calling UIHandler that had previously registered 'oldProfile'
oldProfile - the profile registered previously


void resumeDialog(String callerID,
                  String dialogID,
                  Resource dialogData)
Applications can use this method to ask the IUIBus to resume a dialog that was interrupted due to the activation of a sub-dialog of it. This is the only case where the applications are aware about a dialog having been suspended because the resumption depends on them having processed the user input in the context of the sub-dialog and having incorporated it into the form data of the parent dialog if needed. Then, they can activate the parent dialog using this method.

callerID - ID of the application that had originally started the dialog
dialogID - ID of the dialog
dialogData - dialog data (see Form.getData())


void brokerUIRequest(String callerID,
                     UIRequest uicall)
Can be used by applications to send a UIRequest.

callerID - ID of the caller that is sending the UI request
uicall - The actual UI request


void unregister(String callerID,
                UICaller uicaller)
Unregisters an application's caller from the bus.

callerID - ID of the caller to be unregistered
uicaller - the caller to be unregistered


void unregister(String handlerID,
                UIHandler uiHandler)
Unregisters the given UIHandler from the bus..

handlerID - ID of the handler to be unregistered
uiHandler - the handler to be unregistered


void userLoggedIn(String handlerID,
                  Resource user,
                  AbsLocation loginLocation)
Notifies IUIBus that the human user has logged in (using UIHandler).

handlerID - id of the UIHandler which is received when registering to the IUIBus. It must be passed to the bus when calling bus methods.
user - human User. It is declared as Resource because the type User is defined in the Profiling Ontology. The type is not needed for for matchmaking Either.
loginLocation - login Location of the User


UIHandlerProfile[] getMatchingProfiles(String modalityRegex)
Retrieves all registered UIHandlerProfiles that has restriction for modality matched by modalityRegex

modalityRegex - - regular expression used for matching UIHandlerProfiles modalities
Array of matched UIHandlerProfiles

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