Package org.universAAL.middleware.ui

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.middleware.ui
Interface Summary
IDialogManager IDialogManager is the main (application-independent) component for handling system dialogs.
IUIBus The IUIBus is responsible for brokerage between applications that need to reach human users (in order to present information to them and / or ask them for intervention) and the so-called UIHandlers that can handle the interaction with human users through UI channels under their control.

Class Summary
UICaller Provides the interface to be implemented by applications together with shared code.
UIHandler Provides the interface to be implemented by UIHandlers together with shared code.
UIHandlerProfile A profile of the UIHandler that describes its capabilites so that they can be matched with UIRequest ( more specifically User preferences and abilities added by the IDialogManager) and possibly some additional parameters.
UIRequest Instances of this class can be used to user interaction requests.
UIResponse Instances of this class can be used to exchange info about user input.

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