Uses of Class

Packages that use MatchLogEntry

Uses of MatchLogEntry in org.universAAL.middleware.owl

Method parameters in org.universAAL.middleware.owl with type arguments of type MatchLogEntry
 boolean Union.hasMember(Object value, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean TypeURI.hasMember(Object value, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
abstract  boolean TypeExpression.hasMember(Object member, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
          Returns true if the given object is a member of the class represented by this type expression, otherwise false.
 boolean SomeValuesFromRestriction.hasMember(Object member, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean MinCardinalityRestriction.hasMember(Object member, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean MaxCardinalityRestriction.hasMember(Object member, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Intersection.hasMember(Object value, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean HasValueRestriction.hasMember(Object member, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean ExactCardinalityRestriction.hasMember(Object member, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Enumeration.hasMember(Object value, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Complement.hasMember(Object member, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean BoundedValueRestriction.hasMember(Object member, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean AllValuesFromRestriction.hasMember(Object member, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Enumeration.hasSupertype(TypeExpression supertype, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
          Determines if all individuals of this Enumeration are members of the given supertype.
 boolean Union.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean TypeURI.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
abstract  boolean TypeExpression.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
          Returns true if the given type expression has no member in common with the class represented by this type expression, otherwise false.
 boolean SomeValuesFromRestriction.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean MinCardinalityRestriction.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean MaxCardinalityRestriction.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Intersection.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean HasValueRestriction.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean ExactCardinalityRestriction.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Enumeration.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Complement.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean BoundedValueRestriction.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean AllValuesFromRestriction.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Union.matches(TypeExpression subtype, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean TypeURI.matches(TypeExpression subtype, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
abstract  boolean TypeExpression.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
          Returns true if the given type expression is a subset of the class represented by this type expression, otherwise false.
 boolean SomeValuesFromRestriction.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean MinCardinalityRestriction.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean MaxCardinalityRestriction.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Intersection.matches(TypeExpression subtype, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean HasValueRestriction.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean ExactCardinalityRestriction.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Enumeration.matches(TypeExpression subtype, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Complement.matches(TypeExpression subtype, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean BoundedValueRestriction.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean AllValuesFromRestriction.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
protected  Object PropertyRestriction.matchesNonRestriction(TypeExpression subtype, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
          Check all cases where the subtype is not a subclass of PropertyRestriction.PropertyRestriction().

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