Uses of Class

Packages that use Location   

Uses of Location in

Methods in with parameters of type Location
 void SessionManager.userLocationChange(User usr, Location loc)
 Set<User> SessionManager.validUsersForLocation(Location loc)

Uses of Location in

Methods in that return Location
 Location SituationMonitor.getInternalStateOf(Location l)
 Location SituationMonitor.locationOf(Device d)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Location
 List<Location> SituationMonitor.getAllAvailableLocations()

Methods in with parameters of type Location
 List<Device> SituationMonitor.devicesInLocation(Location loc)
 Location SituationMonitor.getInternalStateOf(Location l)
 void LocationChangeListener.locationChanged(Location l)

Uses of Location in

Fields in declared as Location
protected  Location LocationTreeWrapper.loc

Methods in that return Location
 Location LocationTreeWrapper.getLocation()

Methods in with parameters of type Location
 void UserLocationTreeRoot.locationChanged(Location l)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Location
 void UserLocationTreeRoot.addLocations(List<Location> locs)

Constructors in with parameters of type Location
LocationTreeWrapper(Location l)
UserLocationTree(Location l)
          Model the given Location.

Uses of Location in

Methods in that return Location
 Location SituationMonitorImpl.getInternalStateOf(Location l)
 Location SituationMonitorImpl.locationOf(Device d)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Location
 List<Location> SituationMonitorImpl.getAllAvailableLocations()

Methods in with parameters of type Location
 List<Device> SituationMonitorImpl.devicesInLocation(Location loc)
 Location SituationMonitorImpl.getInternalStateOf(Location l)
 void SessionManagerImpl.userLocationChange(User usr, Location loc)
 Set<User> SessionManagerImpl.validUsersForLocation(Location loc)

Uses of Location in

Methods in that return Location
 Location LightSource.getAmbientCoverage()
 Location BeamingSource.getBeamingDirection()
 Location BeamingSource.getTargetSurface()

Methods in with parameters of type Location
 void LightSource.setAmbientCoverage(Location l)
 void BeamingSource.setBeamingDirection(Location directedTo)
 void BeamingSource.setTargetSurface(Location targetSurface)

Constructors in with parameters of type Location
BeamingSource(String uri, LightType type, Location loc, Location directedTo, Location targetSurface)
BlinkableBeamingSource(String uri, LightType type, Location loc, Location directedTo, Location targetSurface)
BlinkableLightSource(String uri, LightType type, Location loc)
LightSource(String uri, LightType type, Location loc)

Uses of Location in org.universAAL.ontology.location

Subclasses of Location in org.universAAL.ontology.location
 class Place
          Ontological representation of a place (which is not only a location but also has some more properties.
 class Way
          Ontological representation of a way, which is a physical embodiment of a path.

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.location that return Location
 Location[] Location.getAdjacentLocations()
 Location[] Location.getConnectedLocations()
 Location[] Location.getContainedLocations()
 Location Place.getContainingLocation()
 Location Location.getContainingLocation()

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.location with parameters of type Location
 void Location.addAdjacentLocation(Location location)
          Set the "is adjacent to" attribute.
 void Location.addConnectedLocation(Location location)
          Adds a value to the "is connected to" attribute.
 void Location.addContainedLocation(Location location)
          Adds a value to the "contains" attribute. it also sets the location.containedBy property if not set.
 float Place.getDistanceTo(Location other)
          This method calculates the distance between a Place object and a Location object.
 void Location.removeAdjacentLocation(Location location)
          removes a location from the "is adjacent to" attribute.
 void Location.removeConnectedLocation(Location location)
          removes a location from the "is connected to" attribute.
 void Location.removeContainedLocation(Location location)
          removes a location from the "contains" attribute.
 void Location.setContainingLocation(Location location)
          Sets the "is contained in" attribute.

Uses of Location in org.universAAL.ontology.location.indoor

Subclasses of Location in org.universAAL.ontology.location.indoor
 class BuildingLevel
          Ontological representation of a level of a building (the whole floor).
 class Corridor
          Ontological representation of corridor in a house.
 class EntranceHall
          Ontological representation of the entrance hall of a house.
 class Hall
          Ontological representation of the hall of a house.
 class Home
          Ontological representation of a house as an indoor place.
 class HomeArea
          Ontological representation of a delimited area within a house (do not mistake with the house itself).
 class IndoorPlace
          Ontological representation of a place that is covered (indoors).
 class Room
          Ontological representation of a room in a house.
 class StairCase
          Ontological representation of a staircase area in a house.
 class StairWay
          Ontological representation of a stairway connecting levels.

Uses of Location in org.universAAL.ontology.location.outdoor

Subclasses of Location in org.universAAL.ontology.location.outdoor
 class Building
          Ontological representation of any building.
 class City
          Ontological representation of a city as a generic outdoor place.
 class CityPlace
          Ontological representation of an outdoor place in a city.
 class CityQuarter
          Ontological representation of a city quarter or neighborhood.
 class CityRegion
          Ontological representation of a region in which a city is divided.
 class Country
          Ontological representation of a country as a generic outdoor place.
 class OutdoorPlace
          Ontological representation of a place located outdoors.
 class Region
          Ontological representation of a region as a generic outdoor place.
 class State
          Ontological representation of a state as a generic outdoor place.

Uses of Location in org.universAAL.ontology.location.position

Subclasses of Location in org.universAAL.ontology.location.position
 class Point
          Ontological representation of an exact point in a geometric coordinate system.

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.location.position with parameters of type Location
 float Point.getDistanceTo(Location other)
          Both points have to be in the same CoordinateSystem If the System is WGS84, a point in latitude/longitude is assume If not, the euclidean distance is returned.

Uses of Location in org.universAAL.ontology.phThing

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.phThing that return Location
 Location PhysicalThing.getLocation()

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.phThing with parameters of type Location
 boolean PhysicalThing.setLocation(Location loc)
 void PhysicalThing.setLocationCornerRelativeToCorner(Location o, float x, float y, float z)
          Defines, that the PhysicalThing is located in location o at point x,y,z Warning: This does not set the PROP_PHYSICAL_LOCATION property to o, but to an new anon place, that is "contained in" the given location Note: the coordinates are defining corner of the PhysicalThing relative to the lower, left corner of the containing location, assuming its a box
 void PhysicalThing.setLocationRelativeToCorner(Location o, float x, float y, float z)
          Defines, that the PhysicalThing is located in location o at point x,y,z Warning: This does not set the PROP_PHYSICAL_LOCATION property to o, but to a new anon place, that is "contained in" the given location Note: the coordinates are defining center of the PhysicalThing relative to the lower, left corner of the containing location, assuming its a box

Uses of Location in org.universAAL.ontology.profile

Subclasses of Location in org.universAAL.ontology.profile
 class AALSpace
          Ontology class representing an AAL Space

Uses of Location in

Methods in with parameters of type Location
static boolean SessionManagementService.hasUserValidSession(ModuleContext mc, User u, Location l)
          Check whether the given User has a valid session in the given Location.

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