Uses of Class

Packages that use Question

Uses of Question in org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire

Subclasses of Question in org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire
 class ConditionalQuestion
          This class describes the concept of ConditionalQuestion, its properties and its associated methods.
 class MultiChoiceQuestion
          This class describes the concept of MultiChoiceQuestion, its properties and its associated methods.
 class QuestionWithMedia
          This class describes the concept of QuestionWithMedia, its properties and its associated methods.
 class SingleChoiceQuestion
          This class describes the concept of SingleChoiceQuestion, its properties and its associated methods.

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire that return Question
 Question Answer.getAssociatedQuestion()
          The following method gets the associated question to an answer.
 Question[] AnsweredQuestionnaire.getAssociatedQuestions(Answer[] answers)
          The following method gets the associated questions associated to the answers array given, within an answered questionnaire.
 Question ConditionalQuestion.getDependsOn()
          The following method gets the question to which the Conditional Question is related to.
 Question[] Questionnaire.getQuestions()
          The following method gets the questions associated to a questionnaire.
 Question AnsweredQuestionnaire.nextQuestion()
          The following method returns the next question of a questionnaire
 Question Questionnaire.writeAConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String answerType)
 Question Questionnaire.writeAConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String[] answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices, Object[] correctAnswer)
 Question Questionnaire.writeAConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices)
 Question Questionnaire.writeAConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices, Object correctAnswer)
 Question Questionnaire.writeAMultiChoiceQuestion(String qWording, Object[] correctAnswer, String[] answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices)
 Question Questionnaire.writeAMultiChoiceQuestion(String qWording, String answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices)
 Question Questionnaire.writeASingleChoiceQuestion(String qWording, Object correctAnswer, String answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices)
 Question Questionnaire.writeASingleChoiceQuestion(String qWording, String answerType)
 Question Questionnaire.writeASingleChoiceQuestion(String qWording, String answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices)
 Question Questionnaire.writeQuestionWithMedia(MediaObject image, String questionWording, String answerType)
 Question Questionnaire.writeQuestionWithMedia(String qWording, Object[] correctAnswer, String[] answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices, MediaObject image)
 Question Questionnaire.writeQuestionWithMedia(String qWording, Object correctAnswer, String answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices, MediaObject image)
 Question Questionnaire.writeQuestionWithMedia(String qWording, String answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices, MediaObject image)

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire with parameters of type Question
 void Questionnaire.addQuestion(Question question)
          The following method sets the question associated to a questionnaire.
 void AnsweredQuestionnaire.answeredToQuestion(Question q, Object answerContent)
          The following method stores the answer given by the user for a specific question.
 void AnsweredQuestionnaire.answeredToQuestion(Question q, Object[] answerContent)
          The following method stores the answer given by the user for a specific question.
 void Answer.setAssociatedQuestion(Question question)
          The following method sets the associated question to an answer.
 void ConditionalQuestion.setDependsOn(Question dependingQuestion)
          The following method sets the question to which the Conditional Question is related to.
 void Questionnaire.setQuestions(Question[] questions)
          The following method sets the questions associated to a questionnaire.
 Question Questionnaire.writeAConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String answerType)
 Question Questionnaire.writeAConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String[] answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices, Object[] correctAnswer)
 Question Questionnaire.writeAConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices)
 Question Questionnaire.writeAConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices, Object correctAnswer)

Constructors in org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire with parameters of type Question
Answer(Object[] content, Question associatedQuestion)
Answer(Object content, Question associatedQuestion)
ConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object[] triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String answerType)
          The following constructors are the same as the previous ones, but with the trigger answer as a set of objects
ConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object[] triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String[] answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices, Object[] correctAnswer)
ConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object[] triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices)
ConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object[] triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices, Object correctAnswer)
ConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String answerType)
          A conditional question can be implemented with the question wording, the trigger answer, the associated question and the answer type
ConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String[] answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices, Object[] correctAnswer)
          A conditional question can be implemented with the question wording, the trigger answer, the associated question, the choices given, the answer type and the set of correct answers associated.
ConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices)
          A conditional question can be implemented with the question wording, the trigger answer, the associated question, the choices given and the answer type
ConditionalQuestion(String qWording, Object triggerAnswer, Question dependingQuestion, String answerType, ChoiceLabel[] choices, Object correctAnswer)
          A conditional question can be implemented with the question wording, the trigger answer, the associated question, the choices given, the answer type and the associated correct answer.
Questionnaire(String name, String description, Question question)
Questionnaire(String name, String description, Question[] questions)
Questionnaire(String name, String description, Question[] questions, boolean ordered)

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