Uses of Class

Packages that use Questionnaire

Uses of Questionnaire in org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire that return Questionnaire
 Questionnaire AnsweredQuestionnaire.getAssociatedQuestionnaire()
          The following method gets the associated questionnaire to an answered questionnaire The name automatically-generated by the modeling tool has been changed to be clearer, from "getIsAssociatedTo" to "getAssociatedQuestionnaire"

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire with parameters of type Questionnaire
 void AnsweredQuestionnaire.setAssociatedQuestionnaire(Questionnaire questionnaire)
          The following method sets the associated questionnaire to an answered questionnaire The name automatically-generated by the modeling tool has been changed to be clearer, from "setIsAssociatedTo" to "setAssociatedQuestionnaire"

Constructors in org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire with parameters of type Questionnaire
AnsweredQuestionnaire(Questionnaire questionnaire, Answer[] answers, User examinedUser)
AnsweredQuestionnaire(Questionnaire questionnaire, Answer answer, User examinedUser)
AnsweredQuestionnaire(Questionnaire q, User examinedUser)

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