Interface IContainer

Package class diagram package IContainer
All Known Implementing Classes:
DataTable, Dialog, Grouping, Message, SubDialog

public interface IContainer

Interface for everything that can contain Form Controls. This can be Dialogs and similar but also Group elements.


Method Summary
 String[] add(Control ctrl)
          Add the given Simple Control UI element to this container.

Method Detail


String[] add(Control ctrl)
Add the given Simple Control UI element to this container. Once the control is added it cannot be modified. Controls are renedered in the same order they are added. Controls that are Containers and can add elements as well, like Group or Repeat, must be added BEFORE other controls can be added to them. Controls that need references, like Inputs (with property paths), or Submits (with IDs) will be given an automatic reference if none was set. This reference will be returned by this method, in the form of an Array of Strings representing the reference: a Path for Inputs, or a single String for Submits IDs.

ctrl - The Simple Control UI element to be added.
The Array of Strings representing the reference Property Path for Input Controls, or with a single String for Submits IDs.

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