Uses of Class

Packages that use ModelMapper
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing universAAL connector (UIHandler) and the Handler's core features. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.formManagement Form Managing is the "art" of deciding which form to show at each moment. 

Uses of ModelMapper in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing

Fields in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing declared as ModelMapper
protected  ModelMapper Renderer.modelMapper
          The ModelMapper in order to find the correct Model for each rdf class.

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing that return ModelMapper
 ModelMapper Renderer.getModelMapper()
          Returns the ModelMapper that automatically assigns this Renderer to the Models.

Uses of ModelMapper in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.formManagement

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.formManagement with parameters of type ModelMapper
FrameManager(UIRequest req, ModelMapper mp)

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