Uses of Interface

Packages that use ActivityHubBaseDeviceCategory

Uses of ActivityHubBaseDeviceCategory in org.universAAL.lddi.exporter.activityhub.driver

Classes in org.universAAL.lddi.exporter.activityhub.driver that implement ActivityHubBaseDeviceCategory
 class Iso11073ContactClosureSensorInstance
          Working instance of the ActivityHub ContactClosure driver.
 class Iso11073MotionSensorInstance
          Working instance of the ActivityHub MotionSensor driver.
 class Iso11073SwitchSensorInstance
          Working instance of the ActivityHub SwitchSensor driver.
 class Iso11073UsageSensorInstance
          Working instance of the ActivityHub UsageSensor driver.

Uses of ActivityHubBaseDeviceCategory in org.universAAL.lddi.lib.activityhub.devicecategory

Subinterfaces of ActivityHubBaseDeviceCategory in org.universAAL.lddi.lib.activityhub.devicecategory
 interface Iso11073ContactClosureSensor
          OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub ContactClosure sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
 interface Iso11073CoSensor
          OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Co sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
 interface Iso11073EnuresisSensor
          OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Enuresis sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
 interface Iso11073FallSensor
          OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Fall sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
 interface Iso11073GasSensor
          OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Gas sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
 interface Iso11073MedicationDosageSensor
          OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub MedicationDosage sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
 interface Iso11073MotionSensor
          OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub motion sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
 interface Iso11073PersSensor
          OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Pers sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
 interface Iso11073PropertyExitSensor
          OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub PropertyExit sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
 interface Iso11073SmokeSensor
          OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Smoke sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
 interface Iso11073SwitchSensor
          OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub switch sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
 interface Iso11073TemperatureSensor
          OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Temperature sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
 interface Iso11073UsageSensor
          OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Usage sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
 interface Iso11073WaterSensor
          OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Water sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.

Uses of ActivityHubBaseDeviceCategory in org.universAAL.lddi.lib.activityhub.devicemodel

Classes in org.universAAL.lddi.lib.activityhub.devicemodel that implement ActivityHubBaseDeviceCategory
 class ContactClosureSensor
          Representation of a contact closure sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Indepentend living activity hub).
 class FallSensor
          Representation of a fall sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Indepentend living activity hub).
 class MotionSensor
          Representation of a motion sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub), edition 2010-05-01 Specific sensor events (from standard specification): - motion detected - motion detected delayed (optional) - tamper detected (optional) - no condition detected (optional) Initially NO_CONDITION_DETECTED is set.
 class SwitchSensor
          Representation of a switch sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Indepentend living activity hub).
 class TemperatureSensor
          Representation of a temperature sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Indepentend living activity hub).
 class UsageSensor
          Representation of a usage sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Indepentend living activity hub).

Fields in org.universAAL.lddi.lib.activityhub.devicemodel declared as ActivityHubBaseDeviceCategory
protected  ActivityHubBaseDeviceCategory ActivityHubSensor.driver
          reference to my driver instance; can be just one!

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.lib.activityhub.devicemodel with parameters of type ActivityHubBaseDeviceCategory
 void ActivityHubSensor.addDriver(ActivityHubBaseDeviceCategory driverInstance)
          store a driver reference for this device

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