Interface DatatypePropertySetup

Package class diagram package DatatypePropertySetup
All Superinterfaces:

public interface DatatypePropertySetup
extends PropertySetup

Setup interface for creating new datatype properties. The creation is separated from the usage; for every DatatypeProperty there is exactly one DatatypePropertySetup where all the characteristics of this property are defined.

To create a new DatatypeProperty, define a subclass of Ontology , overwrite the Ontology.create() method, create an OntClassInfo and call OntClassInfoSetup.addDatatypeProperty(String).

There are no specific properties/methods for datatype properties. This interface is empty and only exists as equivalent for ObjectPropertySetup.

Carsten Stockloew
See Also:
ObjectProperty, ObjectPropertySetup, DatatypeProperty, Property, PropertySetup

Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface org.universAAL.middleware.rdf.PropertySetup
addDisjointProperty, addEquivalentProperty, addSuperProperty, getProperty, setDomain, setFunctional, setRange

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