Interface ObjectPropertySetup

Package class diagram package ObjectPropertySetup
All Superinterfaces:

public interface ObjectPropertySetup
extends PropertySetup

Setup interface for creating new object properties. The creation is separated from the usage; for every ObjectProperty there is exactly one ObjectPropertySetup where all the characteristics of this property are defined.

To create a new ObjectProperty, define a subclass of Ontology , overwrite the Ontology.create() method, create an OntClassInfo and call OntClassInfoSetup.addObjectProperty(String).

Carsten Stockloew
See Also:
ObjectProperty, DatatypeProperty, DatatypePropertySetup, Property, PropertySetup

Method Summary
 void setAsymmetric()
          Set this property to be asymmetric.
 void setInverseFunctional()
          Set this property to be inverse-functional.
 void setInverseOf(String inverseOf)
          Set the inverse property.
 void setIrreflexive()
          Set this property to be irreflexive.
 void setReflexive()
          Set this property to be reflexive.
 void setSymmetric()
           Set this property to be symmetric.
 void setTransitive()
          Set this property to be transitive.
Methods inherited from interface org.universAAL.middleware.rdf.PropertySetup
addDisjointProperty, addEquivalentProperty, addSuperProperty, getProperty, setDomain, setFunctional, setRange

Method Detail


void setInverseOf(String inverseOf)
Set the inverse property. If an individual x is connected by this property to an individual y, then y is connected by the inverse property to x. For example, the inverse of the property a:hasFather could be the property a:fatherOf.

inverseOf - URI of the inverse property.


void setInverseFunctional()
Set this property to be inverse-functional. This means that for each individual x, there can be at most one individual y such that y is connected by this property with x. For example, the property a:fatherOf is inverse-functional since each person can have only one father.


void setTransitive()
Set this property to be transitive. This means that if an individual x is connected to the individual y by this property, and y is connected to an individual z by this property, then x is also connected to z by this property. For example, the property a:ancestorOf is transitive: if x is an ancestor of y and y is an ancestor of z, then x is an ancestor of z.


void setSymmetric()

Set this property to be symmetric. This means that if an individual x is connected to the individual y by this property, then y is also connected to x by this property. for example, the property a:sisterOf is symmetric.

A property can not be both, symmetric and asymmetric, but it can be neither of it. For example, the property a:loves is neither symmetric nor asymmetric because if one person loves another person, this does not mean that this feeling is mutual.

See Also:


void setAsymmetric()
Set this property to be asymmetric. This means that if an individual x is connected to the individual y by this property, then y cannot be connected to x by this property. for example, the property a:parentOf is asymmetric.

See Also:


void setReflexive()
Set this property to be reflexive. This means that each individual is connected by this property to itself. For example, the property a:knows is reflexive since everybody knows themselves.

See Also:


void setIrreflexive()
Set this property to be irreflexive. This means that no individual is connected by this property to itself. For example, the property a:marriedTo is irreflexive since nobody can be married to themselves.

See Also:

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