Uses of Class

Packages that use LevelRating   
org.universAAL.ontology.phThing Contains low level helper classes to deal with UI concepts of universAAL. 

Uses of LevelRating in

Fields in declared as LevelRating
static LevelRating LevelRating.full
static LevelRating LevelRating.high
static LevelRating LevelRating.low
static LevelRating LevelRating.middle
static LevelRating LevelRating.none

Methods in that return LevelRating
static LevelRating LevelRating.getLevelByOrder(int order)
static LevelRating LevelRating.getMaxValue()
static LevelRating LevelRating.getMinValue()
static LevelRating LevelRating.valueOf(String name)

Uses of LevelRating in org.universAAL.middleware.ui

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.ui that return LevelRating
 LevelRating UIRequest.getDialogPriority()
          Gets the dialog priority.

Constructors in org.universAAL.middleware.ui with parameters of type LevelRating
UIRequest(Resource user, Form dialogForm, LevelRating dialogPriority, Locale dialogLang, PrivacyLevel dialogPrivacy)
          Instantiates a new UIRequest.

Uses of LevelRating in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.owl

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.owl that return LevelRating
 LevelRating AccessImpairment.getImpaimentLevel()

Constructors in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.owl with parameters of type LevelRating
AccessImpairment(LevelRating impairmentLevel)
          The constructor for use by applications.

Uses of LevelRating in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.rdf

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.rdf that return LevelRating
 LevelRating Group.getComplexity()
          This should help UI handlers to decide how to "render" a group.

Uses of LevelRating in org.universAAL.ontology.impairment

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.impairment with parameters of type LevelRating
 void SpeakingImpairment.setImpairment(LevelRating rating)
 void SightImpairment.setImpairment(LevelRating rating)
 void PhysicalImpairment.setImpairment(LevelRating rating)
 void HearingImpairment.setImpairment(LevelRating rating)

Constructors in org.universAAL.ontology.impairment with parameters of type LevelRating
Astigmatism(LevelRating impairmentLevel)
          The constructor for use by applications.
ColorBlindness(LevelRating impairmentLevel)
          The constructor for use by applications.
FarSightedness(LevelRating impairmentLevel)
          The constructor for use by applications.
HearingImpairment(LevelRating impairmentLevel)
          The constructor for use by applications.
LightSensitivity(LevelRating impairmentLevel)
          The constructor for use by applications.
NearSightedness(LevelRating impairmentLevel)
          The constructor for use by applications.
PhysicalImpairment(LevelRating impairmentLevel)
          The constructor for use by applications.
SightImpairment(LevelRating impairmentLevel)
          The constructor for use by applications.
SpeakingImpairment(LevelRating impairmentLevel)
          The constructor for use by applications.

Uses of LevelRating in org.universAAL.ontology.phThing

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.phThing that return LevelRating
 LevelRating Device.getBatteryLevel()

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.phThing with parameters of type LevelRating
 void Device.setBatteryLevel(LevelRating value)

Uses of LevelRating in

Constructors in with parameters of type LevelRating
Dialog(User user, String title, LevelRating priority, PrivacyLevel privacy)
          Use this helper class to create a UIRequest that is easy to use.
Dialog(User user, String title, Resource root, LevelRating priority, PrivacyLevel privacy)
          Use this helper class to create a UIRequest that is easy to use.
Message(User user, String title, String message, LevelRating priority, PrivacyLevel privacy)
          Use this helper class to create a UIRequest that is easy to use.
SubDialog(User user, String title, String parentDialogURI, LevelRating priority, PrivacyLevel privacy)
          Use this helper class to create a UIRequest that is easy to use.

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