Interface PropertySetup

Package class diagram package PropertySetup
All Known Subinterfaces:
DatatypePropertySetup, ObjectPropertySetup
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PropertySetup

Setup interface for creating new RDF properties. The creation is separated from the usage; for every Property there is exactly one PropertySetup where all the characteristics of this property are defined.

Carsten Stockloew
See Also:
ObjectProperty, ObjectPropertySetup, DatatypeProperty, DatatypePropertySetup, Property

Method Summary
 void addDisjointProperty(String disjointProperty)
          Add a disjoint property.
 void addEquivalentProperty(String equivalentProperty)
          Add an equivalent property.
 void addSuperProperty(String superProperty)
          Add a super property.
 Property getProperty()
          Get the Property for this setup.
 void setDomain(TypeExpression dom)
          Set the domain that is used to state that any resource that has a given property is an instance of one or more classes.
 void setFunctional()
          Set this property to be functional.
 void setRange(TypeExpression range)
          Set the range that is used to state that the values of a property are instances of one or more classes.

Method Detail


Property getProperty()
Get the Property for this setup.


void setDomain(TypeExpression dom)
Set the domain that is used to state that any resource that has a given property is an instance of one or more classes.


void setRange(TypeExpression range)
Set the range that is used to state that the values of a property are instances of one or more classes.


void setFunctional()
Set this property to be functional. This means that each individual is connected to at most one individual or literal by this property. This can be seen as a syntactic shortcut to defining a MaxCardinalityRestriction for this property with a maximum cardinality of one. For example, the property a:hasWife is a functional property because one can have none or one wife.


void addSuperProperty(String superProperty)
Add a super property. This means that all resources related by this property are also related by the super property.

superProperty - URI of the super property.


void addEquivalentProperty(String equivalentProperty)
Add an equivalent property. This means that this property is semantically equivalent to the given property and that one can be replaced by the other. Setting two properties x and y to be equivalent is equivalent to saying that x is a sub property of y and y is a sub property of x. For example, the two properties a:hasBrother and a:hasMaleSibling are equivalent.

equivalentProperty - URI of the equivalent property.


void addDisjointProperty(String disjointProperty)
Add a disjoint property. This means that if an individual is connected to another individual or literal by this property, they can not be connected by the disjoint property. For example, the properties a:hasName and a:hasAddress are disjoint because someone's name must be different from his address.

disjointProperty - URI of the disjoint property.

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