Uses of Interface

Packages that use ResourceFactory

Uses of ResourceFactory in org.universAAL.middleware.context.impl

Classes in org.universAAL.middleware.context.impl that implement ResourceFactory
 class ContextBusFactory

Uses of ResourceFactory in org.universAAL.middleware.datarep

Classes in org.universAAL.middleware.datarep that implement ResourceFactory
 class DataRepFactory

Uses of ResourceFactory in org.universAAL.middleware.owl

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.owl with parameters of type ResourceFactory
static RDFClassInfoSetup OntClassInfo.create(String classURI, Ontology ont, ResourceFactory factory, int factoryIndex)
          Create a new OWL Class.
protected  OntClassInfoSetup Ontology.createNewOntClassInfo(String classURI, ResourceFactory fac)
          Register a new OWL class.
protected  OntClassInfoSetup Ontology.createNewOntClassInfo(String classURI, ResourceFactory fac, int factoryIndex)
          Register a new OWL class.
protected  RDFClassInfoSetup Ontology.createNewRDFClassInfo(String classURI, ResourceFactory fac, int factoryIndex)
          Register a new RDF class.

Constructors in org.universAAL.middleware.owl with parameters of type ResourceFactory
SimpleOntology(String classURI, String superClassURI, ResourceFactory factory)

Uses of ResourceFactory in org.universAAL.middleware.rdf

Fields in org.universAAL.middleware.rdf declared as ResourceFactory
protected  ResourceFactory RDFClassInfo.factory
          The factory to create new instances of this class.

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.rdf that return ResourceFactory
 ResourceFactory RDFClassInfo.getFactory()
          Get the factory.

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.rdf with parameters of type ResourceFactory
static RDFClassInfoSetup RDFClassInfo.create(String classURI, Ontology ont, ResourceFactory factory, int factoryIndex)
          Create a new RDF Class.

Constructors in org.universAAL.middleware.rdf with parameters of type ResourceFactory
RDFClassInfo(String classURI, Ontology ont, ResourceFactory factory, int factoryIndex)
          Create a new RDF Class.

Uses of ResourceFactory in org.universAAL.middleware.service.impl

Classes in org.universAAL.middleware.service.impl that implement ResourceFactory
 class ServiceBusFactory

Uses of ResourceFactory in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.impl

Classes in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.impl that implement ResourceFactory
 class UIBusFactory
          A factory for creating IUIBus objects.

Uses of ResourceFactory in org.universAAL.ontology

Classes in org.universAAL.ontology that implement ResourceFactory
 class AVFactory
 class ContextHistoryFactory
          Ontology factory for serialization.
 class ContinuaHealthManagerFactory
 class DependabilityFactory
 class DeviceFactory
 class DroolsReasoningFactory
 class FurnitureFactory
 class HandgesturesFactory
          Ontology factory for serialization
 class ImpairmentFactory
          The factory for instantiating objects of the ontology classes.
 class LanguageFactory
 class LightingFactory
 class LocationFactory
 class MeasurementFactory
 class MultimediaFactory
          The factory for instantiating objects of the ontology classes.
 class PersonalHealthDeviceFactory
          Factory for PersonalHealthDevice Ontology.
 class PhThingFactory
 class ProfileFactory
          The factory for instantiating objects of the ontology classes.
 class QuestionnaireFactory
 class ReasoningFactory
 class RecommendationsFactory
 class SecurityFactory
 class ShapeFactory
 class SpaceFactory
 class TutorialFactory
 class UIMainMenuProfileFactory
 class UIPreferencesProfileFactory
 class UnitFactory
 class VCardFactory
 class X73Factory

Uses of ResourceFactory in org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.factory

Classes in org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.factory that implement ResourceFactory
 class ActivityHubFactory
          Factory for the ActivityHub ontology according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub), edition 2010-05-01

Uses of ResourceFactory in org.universAAL.ontology.disease

Classes in org.universAAL.ontology.disease that implement ResourceFactory
 class DiseaseFactory

Uses of ResourceFactory in

Classes in that implement ResourceFactory
 class HealthOntologyFactory

Uses of ResourceFactory in org.universAAL.ontology.healthmeasurement

Classes in org.universAAL.ontology.healthmeasurement that implement ResourceFactory
 class HealthMeasurementFactory

Uses of ResourceFactory in org.universAAL.ontology.profile

Classes in org.universAAL.ontology.profile that implement ResourceFactory
 class ContactFactory

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