Class ServiceCaller

Package class diagram package ServiceCaller
  extended by org.universAAL.middleware.bus.member.BusMember
      extended by org.universAAL.middleware.bus.member.Caller
          extended by org.universAAL.middleware.service.ServiceCaller
Direct Known Subclasses:
CHECaller, CHECaller, DefaultServiceCaller, DMServiceCaller, SCaller

public abstract class ServiceCaller
extends Caller

/** This is an abstract class that the service caller members of the service bus must derive from. Any ServiceCaller must incorporate the logic of handling service responses into the implementation of the abstract method handleResponse(String, ServiceResponse).

mtazari - Saied Tazari

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.universAAL.middleware.bus.member.BusMember
busResourceURI, owner, theBus
Constructor Summary
protected ServiceCaller(ModuleContext context)
          The default constructor for this class.
Method Summary
 void addAvailabilitySubscription(AvailabilitySubscriber subscriber, ServiceRequest request)
          Adds an availability subscription, in other words a listener, to receive events about the availability of a specified service.
 void busDyingOut(AbstractBus b)
          This method is called when the bus is stopped to announce this to the bus members.
 ServiceResponse call(ServiceRequest request)
          The "normal" (synchronous) way of calling a service.
 ServiceResponse call(String request)
          This method is a way of calling a service using Turtle Strings as input.
abstract  void communicationChannelBroken()
          This abstract method is called for each member of the bus when the bus is being stopped.
 ServiceProfile[] getAllServices()
          A method used to instantly retrieve all services available to this caller.
 ServiceProfile[] getMatchingService(Service s)
          A method used to retrieve a specified service, available to this ServiceCaller.
 ServiceProfile[] getMatchingService(String serviceClassURI)
          A method used to retrieve a specified service, available to this ServiceCaller.
 ServiceProfile[] getMatchingService(String[] keywords)
          A method used to retrieve a service available to this caller, that matches the specified keywords.
 String getMyID()
 void handleReply(BusMessage m)
abstract  void handleResponse(String reqID, ServiceResponse response)
          Will be called automatically in a new thread whenever the response corresponding to a previous call to sendRequest(ServiceRequest) is ready.
 void removeAvailabilitySubscription(AvailabilitySubscriber subscriber, String requestURI)
          Removes an availability subscription for this Caller, which was previously added using addAvailabilitySubscription method.
 String sendRequest(ServiceRequest request)
          To be used if the caller would like to handle the reply asynchronously within the method handleResponse(String, ServiceResponse), which will automatically be called in another thread when the response is ready.
Methods inherited from class org.universAAL.middleware.bus.member.BusMember
close, getType, getURI
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected ServiceCaller(ModuleContext context)
The default constructor for this class.

context - The module context where the ServiceBus is registered. Note that if no service bus is registered within the passed ModuleContext at the time of creation, this object will not be operational.
Method Detail


public final void busDyingOut(AbstractBus b)
Description copied from class: BusMember
This method is called when the bus is stopped to announce this to the bus members.

Specified by:
busDyingOut in class BusMember
b - bus on which this member has been registered
See Also:


public ServiceResponse call(ServiceRequest request)
The "normal" (synchronous) way of calling a service. Use sendRequest(ServiceRequest), if you want to handle the response asynchronously in another thread.

NullPointerException - if request is null


public final ServiceResponse call(String request)
This method is a way of calling a service using Turtle Strings as input. Turtle Strings are converted to Service Requests.

request - the Turtle String which will be converted into ServiceRequest
the expected Service Response


public abstract void communicationChannelBroken()
This abstract method is called for each member of the bus when the bus is being stopped.


public final void handleReply(BusMessage m)


public abstract void handleResponse(String reqID,
                                    ServiceResponse response)
Will be called automatically in a new thread whenever the response corresponding to a previous call to sendRequest(ServiceRequest) is ready.

reqID - the ID returned by the previous call to sendRequest(ServiceRequest).
response - the expected response.


public final String sendRequest(ServiceRequest request)
To be used if the caller would like to handle the reply asynchronously within the method handleResponse(String, ServiceResponse), which will automatically be called in another thread when the response is ready.

a unique ID for this request that will be passed to the method handleResponse(String, ServiceResponse) for an unambiguous mapping of responses to requests. Returns null, if this caller does not have the permission for the given request
NullPointerException - if the request is null


public ServiceProfile[] getAllServices()
A method used to instantly retrieve all services available to this caller.

all available services.


public ServiceProfile[] getMatchingService(Service s)
A method used to retrieve a specified service, available to this ServiceCaller.

s - the desired service.
the service that is available, or null if no such service is available.


public ServiceProfile[] getMatchingService(String serviceClassURI)
A method used to retrieve a specified service, available to this ServiceCaller.

serviceClassURI - the class URI of the desired service.
the service that is available, or null if no such service is available.


public ServiceProfile[] getMatchingService(String[] keywords)
A method used to retrieve a service available to this caller, that matches the specified keywords.

keywords - the keywords that should be matched by the service.
the service that matches the keywords, or null if no such service is available.


public void addAvailabilitySubscription(AvailabilitySubscriber subscriber,
                                        ServiceRequest request)
Adds an availability subscription, in other words a listener, to receive events about the availability of a specified service.

subscriber - the object which will receive events when the appropriate service registers or unregisters.
request - the request that describes the desired service.


public void removeAvailabilitySubscription(AvailabilitySubscriber subscriber,
                                           String requestURI)
Removes an availability subscription for this Caller, which was previously added using addAvailabilitySubscription method.

subscriber - the object which used to receive the events.
requestURI - the service that was being monitored.


public String getMyID()

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