Uses of Class

Packages that use Group
org.universAAL.middleware.ui.rdf Contains raw helper classes to deal with UI concepts of universAAL.   
org.universAAL.ui.gui.swing.bluesteelLAF Bluesteel Look and feel package, features a metal look with blue buttons. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.classic The default Look and Feel, when no look and feel is selected, or the selected one can not be found, this package is used. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.defaultLookAndFeel The default Look and Feel, when no look and feel is selected, or the selected one can not be found, this package is used. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model.FormControl The Models for all FormControls in the IO RDF. 

Uses of Group in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.rdf

Subclasses of Group in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.rdf
 class Repeat
          A subclass of Group whose children are all of the same type.

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.rdf that return Group
 Group Form.getIOControls()
          Returns the standard group for UI controls in this form.
 Group FormControl.getParentGroup()
          Returns the Group control that contains this form control as a direct child.
 Group Form.getStandardButtons()
          Returns the pre-defined group of standard buttons in this form.
 Group Form.getSubmits()
          Returns the standard group for submit buttons in this form.
 Group[] FormControl.getSuperGroups()
          Returns the hierarchy of Groups containing this form control.

Constructors in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.rdf with parameters of type Group
Group(Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Resource initialValue)
          Constructs a new group.
Group(String typeURI, Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Object initialValue)
Input(String typeURI, Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Object initialValue)
InputField(Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Object initialValue)
          Constructs a new input field.
MediaObject(Group parent, Label label, String contentType, String contentURL)
          Constructs a new media object.
Output(String typeURI, Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, Object initialValue)
Range(Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Object initialValue)
          Constructs a new range control.
Repeat(Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, List initialValue)
          Constructs a new repeat control.
Select(Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Object initialValue)
          For use by applications.
Select(String typeURI, Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Object initialValue)
Select1(Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Object initialValue)
          For exclusive usage by the applications.
SimpleOutput(Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, Object content)
          For exclusive use by applications.
SubdialogTrigger(Group parent, Label label, String id)
          For exclusive use by applications.
Submit(Group parent, Label label, String id)
          For exclusive use by applications.
Submit(String typeURI, Group parent, Label label, String id)
TextArea(Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, String initialValue)
          For exclusive use of applications.

Uses of Group in

Methods in with parameters of type Group
 String[] TriggerCmd.create(Group group)
 String[] Text.create(Group group)
 String[] SubmitCmd.create(Group group)
 String[] SelectRange.create(Group group)
 String[] SelectOne.create(Group group)
 String[] SelectMulti.create(Group group)
 String[] Out.create(Group group)
 String[] Media.create(Group group)
 String[] Grouping.create(Group group)
 String[] DataTable.create(Group group)
abstract  String[] Control.create(Group group)
          This method is for internal use of utils only.
 String[] Check.create(Group group)
 String[] Area.create(Group group)

Uses of Group in

Methods in that return Group
 Group IMainMenuProvider.getMainMenu(Resource user, AbsLocation location, Form systemForm)
          Generate the IO Group that contains the main menu for the user.
 Group ISystemMenuProvider.getSystemMenu(UIRequest request)
          generate the system Group for a given UIRequest.

Uses of Group in

Methods in that return Group
 Group SearchableAggregatedMainMenuProvider.getMainMenu(Resource user, AbsLocation location, Form systemForm)
          Generate the IO Group that contains the main menu for the user.
 Group AllMainMenuProvider.getMainMenu(Resource user, AbsLocation location, Form systemForm)
          Generate the IO Group that contains the main menu for the user.
 Group AggregatedMainMenuProvider.getMainMenu(Resource user, AbsLocation location, Form systemForm)
          Generate the IO Group that contains the main menu for the user.

Uses of Group in

Methods in that return Group
 Group FileMainMenuProvider.getMainMenu(Resource user, AbsLocation location, Form systemForm)
          Generate the IO Group that contains the main menu for the user.

Uses of Group in

Methods in that return Group
 Group TaskBarSystemMenuProvider.getSystemMenu(UIRequest request)
 Group SmartPendingSystemMenuProvider.getSystemMenu(UIRequest request)
 Group ClassicSystemMenuProvider.getSystemMenu(UIRequest request)

Uses of Group in org.universAAL.ui.gui.swing.bluesteelLAF

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.gui.swing.bluesteelLAF with parameters of type Group
GroupLAF(Group control, Renderer render)
GroupPanelLAF(Group control, Renderer render)
GroupTabbedPanelLAF(Group control, Renderer render)

Uses of Group in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.classic

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.classic with parameters of type Group
GroupLAF(Group control, Renderer render)

Uses of Group in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.defaultLookAndFeel

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.defaultLookAndFeel with parameters of type Group
GroupLAF(Group control, Renderer render)
GroupPanelLAF(Group control, Renderer render)
GroupTabbedPanelLAF(Group control, Renderer render)

Uses of Group in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model.FormControl

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model.FormControl with parameters of type Group
GroupModel(Group control, Renderer render)
GroupPanelModel(Group control, Renderer render)
GroupTabbedPanelModel(Group control, Renderer render)

Uses of Group in org.universAAL.ui.ui.handler.web.html.model

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.ui.handler.web.html.model with parameters of type Group
GroupModel(Group fe, HTMLUserGenerator render)

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