Uses of Class

Packages that use Submit
org.universAAL.ui.gui.swing.bluesteelLAF Bluesteel Look and feel package, features a metal look with blue buttons. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing universAAL connector (UIHandler) and the Handler's core features. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.classic The default Look and Feel, when no look and feel is selected, or the selected one can not be found, this package is used. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.defaultLookAndFeel The default Look and Feel, when no look and feel is selected, or the selected one can not be found, this package is used. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model.FormControl The Models for all FormControls in the IO RDF. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model.special These classes are used to add special behaviour to certain submits. 

Uses of Submit in org.universAAL.middleware.ui

Constructors in org.universAAL.middleware.ui with parameters of type Submit
UIResponse(Resource user, AbsLocation inputLocation, Submit submit)
          This constructor is used in the context of a running dialog.

Uses of Submit in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.rdf

Subclasses of Submit in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.rdf
 class SubdialogTrigger
          A subclass of Submit that does not finish the current dialog but starts a subdialog, normally used for viewing or editing complex data that was represented in the main dialog in a summarized way or in way not suitable for editing.

Uses of Submit in org.universAAL.ui.gui.swing.bluesteelLAF

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.gui.swing.bluesteelLAF with parameters of type Submit
SubmitLAF(Submit control, Renderer render)

Uses of Submit in org.universAAL.ui.gui.swing.bluesteelLAF.specialButtons

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.gui.swing.bluesteelLAF.specialButtons with parameters of type Submit
UCCButton(Submit s, Renderer render)
UStoreButton(Submit s, Renderer render)

Uses of Submit in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing with parameters of type Submit
 void Handler.submit(Submit submit)
          Shortcut to send UIResponse related to Submit Buttons.

Uses of Submit in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.classic

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.classic with parameters of type Submit
SubmitLAF(Submit control, Renderer render)

Uses of Submit in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.classic.specialButtons

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.classic.specialButtons with parameters of type Submit
uCCButton(Submit s, Renderer render)
uStoreButton(Submit s, Renderer render)

Uses of Submit in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.defaultLookAndFeel

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.defaultLookAndFeel with parameters of type Submit
SubmitLAF(Submit control, Renderer render)

Uses of Submit in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model.FormControl

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model.FormControl with parameters of type Submit
SubmitModel(Submit control, Renderer render)

Uses of Submit in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model.special

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model.special with parameters of type Submit
 SpecialButtonInterface SpecialButtonFactory.getSpecialButton(Submit s)
          Check if the Submit s complies with the conditions to be considered special by any of the SpecialButtonInterface in SpecialButtonFactory.specialButtons

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model.special with parameters of type Submit
ExitButton(Submit submit, Renderer render)

Uses of Submit in org.universAAL.ui.ui.handler.web.html

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.ui.handler.web.html with parameters of type Submit
 void Handler.submit(Submit submit)
          Shortcut to send UIResponse related to Submit Buttons.

Uses of Submit in org.universAAL.ui.ui.handler.web.html.model

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.ui.handler.web.html.model with parameters of type Submit
SubmitModel(Submit fe, HTMLUserGenerator render)

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