Uses of Class

Packages that use Point

Uses of Point in org.universAAL.ontology.location

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.location with parameters of type Point
 boolean Place.contains(Point p)
 Place Place.getSmallestContaining(Point p)
          returns the smallest, contained place that contains the given point does not consider overlapping Places

Uses of Point in org.universAAL.ontology.location.position

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.location.position that return Point
 Point Point.getInHigherCoordinateSystem()
          if the point is in a OriginedMetric, the point will be transformed to the next higher system A 2d point gets transformed to a 3d point, because all non local coordinate systems are 3d
 Point Point.getInHigherCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem system)
          if the point is in a OriginedMetric, the point will be transformed to the given higher system A 2d point gets transformed to a 3d point, because all non local coordinate systems are 3d
 Point OriginedMetric.getOrigin()

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.location.position with parameters of type Point
 void OriginedMetric.setOrigin(Point origin)

Uses of Point in org.universAAL.ontology.shape

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.shape that return Point
 Point Shape.getCenter()
          returns the centerpoint of the object
 Point MergedShape.getCenter()
 Point LineSegment.getEnd()
 Point ConeSegment.getEnd()
 Point QuasiCylinder.getMidpoint()
          returns the midpoint of the object
 Point Polygon.getMidpoint()
          the center point of all vertices, assuming an even weights
 Point Shape.getPointRepresentation()
          if no explicit point representation was set, the center of the shape is returned
 Point[] Path.getPoints()
          This method returns an Point array with the points which define the Path object
 Point LineSegment.getStart()
 Point ConeSegment.getStart()
 Point[] Polygon.getVertices()

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.shape with parameters of type Point
 boolean Sphere.contains(Point p)
abstract  boolean Shape.contains(Point p)
          returns if the given point is within the shape
 boolean QuasiCylinder.contains(Point p)
 boolean Polyhedron.contains(Point p)
 boolean Polygon.contains(Point p)
          accuracy limited to 4 digits after the dot
 boolean Path.contains(Point p)
 boolean MergedShape.contains(Point p)
 boolean Ellipse.contains(Point p)
 boolean Box.contains(Point p)
 float Sphere.getDistanceTo(Point point)
abstract  float Shape.getDistanceTo(Point p)
          Implementation Note: The points have to be transformed to a common coordinate system via CoordinateSystem.findCommonCoordinateSystem and getInHigherCoordinateSystem(commonSystem)
 float QuasiCylinder.getDistanceTo(Point point)
 float Polyhedron.getDistanceTo(Point other)
 float Polygon.getDistanceTo(Point other)
 float MergedShape.getDistanceTo(Point other)
 float LineSegment.getDistanceTo(Point point)
 float Line.getDistanceTo(Point other)
 float Ellipse.getDistanceTo(Point point)
 float ConeSegment.getDistanceTo(Point point)
 float Circle.getDistanceTo(Point point)
 float Box.getDistanceTo(Point point)
 jp.go.ipa.jgcl.JgclPoint3D[] Ellipse.getProjectedPoints(Point point)
          Returns all possible projection points, sorted by distance to the point
 boolean Shape.intersects(Point base, Point dir)
          Calculates the intersection of an ray with the bounding volume of the shape
 boolean MergedShape.intersects(Point base, Point dir)
 void Shape.setPointRepresentation(Point point)
 void Path.setPoints(Point[] points)
 void Triangle.setVertices(Point[] verts)
 void Polygon.setVertices(Point[] verts)

Constructors in org.universAAL.ontology.shape with parameters of type Point
ConeSegment(Point start, Point end, float radius_start, float radius_end)
ConeSegment(String uri, Point start, Point end, float radius_start, float radius_end)
Line(Point[] points)
Line(String uri, Point[] points)
          Creates a Line object.
LineSegment(Point start, Point end)
LineSegment(String uri, Point start, Point end)
Path(Point[] points)
Path(String uri, Point[] points)
          Creates a Path object.
Polygon(Point[] verts)
Polygon(String uri, Point[] verts)
          Creates a Polygon object.
Shape(Point pointRep, CoordinateSystem system)
          Creates a Shape object
Shape(String uri, Point pointRep, CoordinateSystem system)
          Creates a Shape object
Shape3D(Point pointRep, CoordinateSystem system)
          Creates a Shape object
Shape3D(String uri, Point pointRep, CoordinateSystem system)
          Creates a Shape object
Triangle(Point[] verts)
Triangle(String uri, Point[] verts)
          Creates a triangle object.

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