Uses of Class

Packages that use PhysicalThing

Uses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub

Subclasses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub
 class ActivityHubSensor
          Ontological representation of an activity hub sensor concept, to be extended by different sensor types.
 class ContactClosureSensor
          Ontological representation of a contact closure sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class CoSensor
          Ontological representation of a CO (carbon monoxide) sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class GasSensor
          Ontological representation of a gas sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class MedicationDosageSensor
          Ontological representation of a medication dosage sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class PersSensor
          Ontological representation of a PERS (personal emergency) sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class PropertyExitSensor
          Ontological representation of a property exit sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class SmokeSensor
          Ontological representation of a smoke sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class UsageSensor
          Ontological representation of a usage sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class WaterSensor
          Ontological representation of a water sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).

Uses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.ext

Subclasses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.ext
 class AdaptorPlugActuator
          Ontological representation of an adaptor plug actuator.

Uses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.av.device

Subclasses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.av.device
 class LoudSpeaker
          Ontological representation of a loudspeaker device.
 class Microphone
          Ontological representation of a microphone.
 class VideoCamera
          Ontological representation of a video camera.

Uses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.dependability

Subclasses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.dependability
 class Sensor

Uses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.device

Subclasses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.device
 class Actuator
 class BlindActuator
 class BlindController
 class BlindSensor
 class ContactSensor
 class COSensor
 class CurtainActuator
 class CurtainController
 class CurtainSensor
 class DimmerActuator
 class DimmerController
 class DimmerSensor
 class DosageSensor
 class EnuresisSensor
 class EnvironmentSensor
 class ExitSensor
 class FallSensor
 class FloodSensor
 class GlassBreakSensor
 class HeaterActuator
 class HeaterController
 class HeaterSensor
 class HumiditySensor
 class LightActuator
 class LightController
 class LightSensor
 class MotionSensor
 class PanicButtonSensor
 class PresenceSensor
 class SwitchActuator
 class SwitchController
 class SwitchSensor
 class TemperatureLevelSensor
 class TemperatureSensor
 class ValueDevice
 class WaterFlowActuator
 class WaterFlowController
 class WaterFlowSensor
 class WindowActuator
 class WindowController
 class WindowSensor

Uses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.device.home

Subclasses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.device.home
 class CarpetSensor
          Ontological representation of a pressure sensor embedded on a carpet.
 class Oven
          Ontological representation of an oven appliance.
 class SirenActuator
          Ontological representation of a siren that can be sounded.
 class Strap
          Ontological representation of any device that can be attached to a person by a strap.

Uses of PhysicalThing in

Subclasses of PhysicalThing in
 class Furniture
          Ontological representation of any furniture.

Uses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.gesture.pointing

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.gesture.pointing that return PhysicalThing
 PhysicalThing[] PointingGestureInSpace.getAddressedThings()

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.gesture.pointing with parameters of type PhysicalThing
 boolean PointingGestureInSpace.setAddressedThings(PhysicalThing[] addressedThings)

Constructors in org.universAAL.ontology.gesture.pointing with parameters of type PhysicalThing
PointingGestureInSpace(PhysicalThing[] addressedThings)
PointingGestureInSpace(PhysicalThing[] addressedThings, long timestamp)

Uses of PhysicalThing in

Subclasses of PhysicalThing in
 class BeamingSource
          Ontological representation of a beaming light source.
 class BlinkableBeamingSource
          Ontological representation of a blinkable and beaming light source.
 class BlinkableLightSource
          Ontological representation of a blinkable light source.
 class LightSource
          Ontological representation of a light source.

Uses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.location

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.location that return PhysicalThing
 PhysicalThing Place.getPhysicalThingofLocation()

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.location with parameters of type PhysicalThing
 void Place.setPhysicalThingofLocation(PhysicalThing pt)
          this is a simple setter method of the property location_of_physical_thing of the location

Uses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.multimedia

Subclasses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.multimedia
 class Stereoset
          Ontological representation of a stereoset device.
 class TV
          Ontological representation of a TV appliance.

Uses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.personalhealthdevice

Subclasses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.personalhealthdevice
 class BloodPressureMonitor
          Ontological representation of a blood pressure monitor.
 class WeighingScale
          Ontological representation of a weighing scale.

Uses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.phThing

Subclasses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.phThing
 class Device
          Represents the class of physical manufactured things that have some capability.
 class PhysicalContainer
          Ontological representation of a container: a physical thing that can contain another physical thing.

Uses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.profile

Subclasses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.profile
 class AssistedPerson
          Ontology class representing an Assisted Person
 class Caregiver
          Ontology class representing a Care giver user
 class User
          Ontological representation of a person that is a user of the system.

Uses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.X73

Subclasses of PhysicalThing in org.universAAL.ontology.X73
 class MDS

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