Uses of Class

Packages that use User   
org.universAAL.samples.uibus Contains low level helper classes to deal with UI concepts of universAAL.   
org.universAAL.ui.gui.swing.bluesteelLAF Bluesteel Look and feel package, features a metal look with blue buttons. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing universAAL connector (UIHandler) and the Handler's core features. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.classic The default Look and Feel, when no look and feel is selected, or the selected one can not be found, this package is used. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.defaultLookAndFeel The default Look and Feel, when no look and feel is selected, or the selected one can not be found, this package is used. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model The Model contains all the Classes that translate from the IO RDF into Swing components. 

Uses of User in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type User
 Set<User> SessionManager.validUsersForDevice(Device dvc)
 Set<User> SessionManager.validUsersForLocation(Location loc)

Methods in with parameters of type User
 Session SessionManager.getCopyOfUserSession(User usr)
 void SessionManager.userAuthenticatedTo(User usr, Device dvc)
 void SessionManager.userDeauthenticatedFrom(User usr, Device dvc)
 void SessionManager.userLocationChange(User usr, Location loc)

Uses of User in

Methods in with parameters of type User
 void SessionPublisher.updateSession(User usr, Session s)

Uses of User in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type User
 Set<User> UserLocationTree.allocateUser(User u)
          Allocate a user in the Location tree, this means the user is logically located in all of the parent locations of this location.
 Set<User> UserLocationTreeRoot.deallocateUser(User u)
 Set<User> UserLocationTree.deallocateUser(User u)
          Remove the User from the whole Location tree.
 Set<User> UserLocationTree.getUserSet()
          The user set is stored as a List in the actual Location instance, so this methods helps reformat that into a Set.
 Set<User> UserDeviceWrapper.getUserSet()
          The user set is stored as a List in the actual Device instance, so this methods helps reformat that into a Set.

Methods in with parameters of type User
 void UserLocationTree.addUser(User u)
          Add a single User to this Location.
 void UserDeviceWrapper.addUser(User u)
          Add a single User to this Device.
 Set<User> UserLocationTree.allocateUser(User u)
          Allocate a user in the Location tree, this means the user is logically located in all of the parent locations of this location.
 Set<User> UserLocationTreeRoot.deallocateUser(User u)
 Set<User> UserLocationTree.deallocateUser(User u)
          Remove the User from the whole Location tree.
 UserLocationTree UserLocationTreeRoot.getMaxUser(User u)
 UserLocationTree UserLocationTree.getMaxUser(User u)
          Calculate the uppermost Location in which the User is alone.
 void UserDeviceWrapper.removeUser(User u)
          Remove a single user from this Device.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type User
 void UserLocationTree.setUserSet(Set<User> users)
          Complement to UserLocationTree.getUserSet().
 void UserDeviceWrapper.setUserSet(Set<User> users)
          Complement to UserDeviceWrapper.getUserSet().

Uses of User in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type User
 Set<User> SessionManagerImpl.validUsersForDevice(Device dvc)
 Set<User> SessionManagerImpl.validUsersForLocation(Location loc)

Methods in with parameters of type User
 Session SessionManagerImpl.getCopyOfUserSession(User usr)
 void SessionManagerImpl.userAuthenticatedTo(User usr, Device dvc)
 void SessionManagerImpl.userDeauthenticatedFrom(User usr, Device dvc)
 void SessionManagerImpl.userLocationChange(User usr, Location loc)

Uses of User in org.universAAL.ontology.gesture.pointing

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.gesture.pointing that return User
 User GestureRecognition.getSubjectUser()

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.gesture.pointing with parameters of type User
 void GestureRecognition.setSubjectUser(User user)

Uses of User in org.universAAL.ontology.healthmeasurement.owl

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.healthmeasurement.owl that return User
 User HealthMeasurement.getObtainedBy()

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.healthmeasurement.owl with parameters of type User
 void HealthMeasurement.setObtainedBy(User newPropValue)

Uses of User in org.universAAL.ontology.profile

Subclasses of User in org.universAAL.ontology.profile
 class AssistedPerson
          Ontology class representing an Assisted Person
 class Caregiver
          Ontology class representing a Care giver user

Uses of User in org.universAAL.ontology.profile.ui.mainmenu

Fields in org.universAAL.ontology.profile.ui.mainmenu declared as User
static User MenuProfileOntology.defaultUser

Uses of User in org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire that return User
 User AnsweredQuestionnaire.getIsAnsweredBy()
          The following method gets the user who answers the questionnaire

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire with parameters of type User
 void AnsweredQuestionnaire.setIsAnsweredBy(User user)
          The following method sets the user who answers the questionnaire

Constructors in org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire with parameters of type User
AnsweredQuestionnaire(Questionnaire questionnaire, Answer[] answers, User examinedUser)
AnsweredQuestionnaire(Questionnaire questionnaire, Answer answer, User examinedUser)
AnsweredQuestionnaire(Questionnaire q, User examinedUser)

Uses of User in

Methods in with parameters of type User
static boolean SessionManagementService.hasUserValidSession(ModuleContext mc, User u, Device d)
          Check whether the given User has a valid session in the given Device.
static boolean SessionManagementService.hasUserValidSession(ModuleContext mc, User u, Location l)
          Check whether the given User has a valid session in the given Location.

Uses of User in org.universAAL.ri.servicegateway

Fields in org.universAAL.ri.servicegateway with type parameters of type User
protected  Hashtable<String,User> GatewayPort.loggedUsers
          Table that Associates usernames with Users.

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.servicegateway with parameters of type User
 void GatewayPort.logout(User usr)

Uses of User in org.universAAL.samples.uibus

Fields in org.universAAL.samples.uibus declared as User
static User Activator.sampleUser

Methods in org.universAAL.samples.uibus with parameters of type User
 void OPublisher.showAllRespDialog(User user, String[] formsNames, String[] formsResults)
 long OPublisher.showDynamicDialog(User user, int size)
 long OPublisher.showRandomBurst(User user, int size)
 void OPublisher.showRandomDialog(User user)

Uses of User in

Methods in that return User
 User UserPaswordAuthenticatorClient.authenticate(String username, String password)
          This method will try to authenticate the user.

Methods in with parameters of type User
 void AuthenticationPublisher.authenticate(User u, Device d)
 void AuthenticationPublisher.deauthenticate(User u, Device d)

Uses of User in

Constructors in with parameters of type User
Dialog(User user, String title)
          Use this helper class to create a UIRequest that is easy to use.
Dialog(User user, String title, LevelRating priority, PrivacyLevel privacy)
          Use this helper class to create a UIRequest that is easy to use.
Dialog(User user, String title, Resource root)
          Use this helper class to create a UIRequest that is easy to use.
Dialog(User user, String title, Resource root, LevelRating priority, PrivacyLevel privacy)
          Use this helper class to create a UIRequest that is easy to use.
Message(User user, String title, String message)
          Use this helper class to create a UIRequest that is easy to use.
Message(User user, String title, String message, LevelRating priority, PrivacyLevel privacy)
          Use this helper class to create a UIRequest that is easy to use.
SubDialog(User user, String title, String parentDialogURI)
          Use this helper class to create a UIRequest that is easy to use.
SubDialog(User user, String title, String parentDialogURI, LevelRating priority, PrivacyLevel privacy)
          Use this helper class to create a UIRequest that is easy to use.

Uses of User in

Constructors in with parameters of type User
UserDialogManager(User user, AbsLocation location, IUIPreferencesBuffer uiPreferencesBuffer)

Uses of User in

Methods in with parameters of type User
 void IUIPreferencesBuffer.addUser(User user)
          Checks if UIPreferencesSubProfile has already been initialized for a given User.
 UIPreferencesSubProfile IUIPreferencesBuffer.changeCurrentUIPreferencesSubProfileForUser(User key, UIPreferencesSubProfile uiPrefSubprof)
          Updates the UIPreferencesSubProfile for the user.
 UIPreferencesSubProfile IUIPreferencesBuffer.getUIPreferencesSubprofileForUser(User user)
          Get the UIPreferencesSubProfile for the given User.

Uses of User in

Methods in with parameters of type User
 void UIPreferencesBufferSubscriptor.addUser(User user)
 void UIPreferencesBufferPoller.addUser(User user)
 void UIPreferencesBufferNoUpdate.addUser(User user)
 UIPreferencesSubProfile UIPreferencesBufferSubscriptor.changeCurrentUIPreferencesSubProfileForUser(User key, UIPreferencesSubProfile uiPrefSubprof)
 UIPreferencesSubProfile UIPreferencesBufferPoller.changeCurrentUIPreferencesSubProfileForUser(User key, UIPreferencesSubProfile uiPrefSubprof)
 UIPreferencesSubProfile UIPreferencesBufferNoUpdate.changeCurrentUIPreferencesSubProfileForUser(User key, UIPreferencesSubProfile uiPrefSubprof)
 UIPreferencesSubProfile UIPreferencesBufferSubscriptor.getUIPreferencesSubprofileForUser(User user)
 UIPreferencesSubProfile UIPreferencesBufferPoller.getUIPreferencesSubprofileForUser(User user)
 UIPreferencesSubProfile UIPreferencesBufferNoUpdate.getUIPreferencesSubprofileForUser(User user)

Constructors in with parameters of type User
UISubprofileInitializator(User user)

Uses of User in

Methods in that return User
 User UIPreferencesSubprofilePrerequisitesHelper.getUser(Resource user)
 User[] UIPreferencesSubprofilePrerequisitesHelper.getUsers()

Methods in with parameters of type User
 String UIPreferencesSubprofileHelper.addSubprofileToUser(User profilable, SubProfile subProfile)
          Adds given SubProfile to a Profiling Server and connects it with given User.
 boolean UIPreferencesSubprofilePrerequisitesHelper.addUserProfileToUser(User user, UserProfile userProfile)
 boolean UIPreferencesSubprofilePrerequisitesHelper.addUserSucceeded(User user)
 UserProfile UIPreferencesSubprofilePrerequisitesHelper.getProfileForUser(User user)
 String UIPreferencesSubprofilePrerequisitesHelper.getProfileForUserAsString(User user)
 boolean UIPreferencesSubprofilePrerequisitesHelper.getProfileForUserSucceeded(User user)
 UIPreferencesSubProfile UIPreferencesSubprofileHelper.getUIPreferencesSubProfileForUser(User user)
          Retrieves UIPreferencesSubProfile that belongs to a given User from a Profiling Server (makes a service call).
static void UIPreferencesSubprofilePrerequisitesHelper.logUsers(User[] users)

Uses of User in

Methods in with parameters of type User
 Form UIPreferencesDialogBuilder.getUIPreferencesEditorForm(User user)
 void UIPreferencesUICaller.showMessageScreen(User user, String msg)
 ServiceResponse UIPreferencesSCallee.showUIPreferencesEditorDialog(User user)
          Shows UI Preferences editor dialog.
 void UIPreferencesUICaller.showUIPreferencesEditorScreen(User user)
          Send UIRequest with UI Preferences Editor dialog

Uses of User in

Methods in with parameters of type User
static void UIServiceResponseNotifyer.tellUser(User usr, Exception e)
static void UIServiceResponseNotifyer.tellUser(User usr, ServiceResponse sResp)

Uses of User in org.universAAL.ui.gui.swing.bluesteelLAF

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.gui.swing.bluesteelLAF with parameters of type User
 void Init.userLogIn(User usr)
 void Init.userLogOff(User usr)

Uses of User in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing that return User
 User Renderer.getCurrentUser()
          Get the logged in user, the one that is in theory receiving and manipulating the dialogs.
 User Handler.getCurrentUser()
          Get the current user that is inputing information.

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing with parameters of type User
 void Handler.setCurrentUser(User currentUser)
          Change the current User.

Uses of User in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.classic

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.classic with parameters of type User
 void Init.userLogIn(User usr)
 void Init.userLogOff(User usr)

Uses of User in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.defaultLookAndFeel

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.defaultLookAndFeel with parameters of type User
 void Init.userLogIn(User usr)
          When a user logs in this method is called.
 void Init.userLogOff(User usr)
          When a user logs off this method is called.

Uses of User in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model with parameters of type User
 void InitInterface.userLogIn(User usr)
          When a user logs in this method is called.
 void InitInterface.userLogOff(User usr)
          When a user logs off this method is called.

Uses of User in org.universAAL.ui.internationalization.util

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.internationalization.util with parameters of type User
MessageLocaleHelper(ModuleContext mc, User user, List<URL> urlList)
          This constructor should be used by Applications.

Uses of User in org.universAAL.ui.ui.handler.web.html

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.ui.handler.web.html that return User
 User HTMLUserGenerator.getCurrentUser()
          Get the logged in user, the one that is in theory receiving and manipulating the dialogs.
 User Handler.getCurrentUser()
          Get the current user that is inputing information.

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.ui.handler.web.html with parameters of type User
HTMLUserGenerator(ModuleContext mc, Properties props, User usr)
          Constructor for one Renderer on a certain file.

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