Uses of Class

Packages that use Shape   

Uses of Shape in

Constructors in with parameters of type Shape
Furniture(String uri, FurnitureType type, Shape shape)

Uses of Shape in org.universAAL.ontology.location

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.location that return Shape
 Shape Place.getShape()

Constructors in org.universAAL.ontology.location with parameters of type Shape
Place(Shape shape)
          for interal use only
Place(String uri, Shape shape)
          Creates a Place object
Place(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
          Creates a Place object
Way(String uri, Shape shape)
Way(String uri, String name, Shape shape)

Uses of Shape in org.universAAL.ontology.location.indoor

Constructors in org.universAAL.ontology.location.indoor with parameters of type Shape
BuildingLevel(String uri, Shape shape)
BuildingLevel(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
Corridor(String uri, Shape shape)
Corridor(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
EntranceHall(String uri, Shape shape)
EntranceHall(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
Hall(String uri, Shape shape)
Hall(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
Home(String uri, Shape shape)
Home(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
HomeArea(String uri, Shape shape)
HomeArea(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
IndoorPlace(String uri, Shape shape)
IndoorPlace(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
Room(String uri, RoomFunction func, Shape shape)
Room(String uri, String name, RoomFunction func, Shape shape)
StairCase(String uri, Shape shape)
StairCase(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
StairWay(String uri, Shape shape, BuildingLevel from, BuildingLevel to)
StairWay(String uri, String name, Shape shape, BuildingLevel from, BuildingLevel to)

Uses of Shape in org.universAAL.ontology.location.outdoor

Constructors in org.universAAL.ontology.location.outdoor with parameters of type Shape
Building(String uri, Shape shape)
Building(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
City(String uri, Shape shape)
City(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
CityPlace(String uri, Shape shape)
CityPlace(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
CityQuarter(String uri, Shape shape)
CityQuarter(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
CityRegion(String uri, Shape shape)
CityRegion(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
Country(String uri, Shape shape)
Country(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
OutdoorPlace(String uri, Shape shape)
OutdoorPlace(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
Region(String uri, Shape shape)
Region(String uri, String name, Shape shape)
State(String uri, Shape shape)
State(String uri, String name, Shape shape)

Uses of Shape in org.universAAL.ontology.phThing

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.phThing that return Shape
 Shape PhysicalThing.getShape()

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.phThing with parameters of type Shape
 void PhysicalThing.setShape(Shape o)

Uses of Shape in org.universAAL.ontology.shape

Subclasses of Shape in org.universAAL.ontology.shape
 class BooleanShape
          Ontological representation of an merge, intersection or subtraction shape.
 class Box
          Ontological representation of a tri-dimensional box shape.
 class Circle
          Ontological representation of a circle shape.
 class ConeSegment
          Ontological representation of a cone segment shape.
 class Ellipse
          Ontological representation of an elliptic shape.
 class Line
          Ontological representation of a geometric line that can be traveled.
 class LineSegment
          Ontological representation of a segment of a line.
 class MergedShape
          Ontological representation of a merged boolean shape.
 class Path
          Ontological representation of a tri-dimensional path.
 class Polygon
          Ontological representation of a polygon in a tri-dimensional space.
 class Polyhedron
          Ontological representation of a tri-dimensional polyhedron.
 class QuasiCylinder
          Ontological representation of a quasi-cylinder.
 class Shape2D
          Ontological representation of a bi-dimensional shape.
 class Shape3D
          Ontological representation of a tri-dimensional shape.
 class Sphere
          Ontological representation of a spheric shape.
 class Triangle
          Ontological representation of a triangle in a tri-dimensional space.

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.shape that return Shape
protected  Shape Sphere.computeBoundingVolume()
protected abstract  Shape Shape.computeBoundingVolume()
          Implementation Note: Must compute and set bounding sphere or box as PROP_BOUNDING_VOLUME
protected  Shape QuasiCylinder.computeBoundingVolume()
protected  Shape Polyhedron.computeBoundingVolume()
protected  Shape Polygon.computeBoundingVolume()
protected  Shape Path.computeBoundingVolume()
protected  Shape MergedShape.computeBoundingVolume()
protected  Shape Ellipse.computeBoundingVolume()
protected  Shape Box.computeBoundingVolume()
 Shape Shape.getBoundingVolume()
          Returns the bounding volume of this Shape3D.
 Shape[] BooleanShape.getShapes()

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.shape with parameters of type Shape
 float Shape.getDistanceByBoundingVolume(Shape shape)
 float Sphere.getDistanceTo(Shape shape)
          only defined for Sphere
abstract  float Path.getDistanceTo(Shape shape)
 float LineSegment.getDistanceTo(Shape shape)
          calculates the distance between a LineSegment and a specified shape object
 float Line.getDistanceTo(Shape shape)
 float Ellipse.getDistanceTo(Shape shape)
 float ConeSegment.getDistanceTo(Shape shape)
 float Box.getDistanceTo(Shape shape)
          defined for Box & Sphere
 void Shape.setBoundingVolume(Shape shape)
          Sets an explicit bounding volume, disabling the automated bounding volume calculation If an other Shape than a Sphere or Box should be used, the ray intersection method in Shape has to be extended
 void BooleanShape.setShapes(Shape[] shapes)

Constructors in org.universAAL.ontology.shape with parameters of type Shape
BooleanShape(String uri, Shape[] shapes)
          Creates a Polygon object
MergedShape(Shape[] shapes)
MergedShape(String uri, Shape[] shapes)

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