Uses of Class

Packages that use MergedRestriction

Uses of MergedRestriction in org.universAAL.middleware.context

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.context with parameters of type MergedRestriction
 boolean ContextEventPattern.addRestriction(MergedRestriction r)
          Add a restriction to the pattern, thus narrowing the events that will match the pattern.

Uses of MergedRestriction in org.universAAL.middleware.owl

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.owl that return MergedRestriction
 MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.addRestriction(MergedRestriction r)
          Add all restrictions of the given MergedRestriction, performing a sanity check.
 MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.addRestriction(PropertyRestriction res)
          Add a new Restriction, performing a sanity check.
 MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.appendTo(MergedRestriction root, String[] path)
          Appends this restriction to the given root restriction on the given property path.
 MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.copyOnNewProperty(String onProp)
          Create a new MergedRestriction with modified onProperty value.
 MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.copyWithNewCardinality(int min, int max)
          Create a new MergedRestriction with modified cardinality restrictions.
static MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.getAllValuesRestriction(String propURI, String typeURI)
           Create a new restriction to state that for all individuals of a certain class the value of the given property is of type typeURI.
static MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.getAllValuesRestriction(String propURI, TypeExpression expr)
           Create a new restriction to state that for all individuals of a certain class the value of the given property is of type expr.
static MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.getAllValuesRestrictionWithCardinality(String propURI, String typeURI, int min, int max)
           Create a new restriction to state that for all individuals of a certain class the cardinality of the given property is at least min and at most max and the value of the given property is of type typeURI.
static MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.getAllValuesRestrictionWithCardinality(String propURI, TypeExpression expr, int min, int max)
           Create a new restriction to state that for all individuals of a certain class the cardinality of the given property is at least min and at most max and the value of the given property is of type expr.
static MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.getCardinalityRestriction(String propURI, int min, int max)
           Create a new restriction to state that for all individuals of a certain class the cardinality of the given property is at least min and at most max.
static MergedRestriction ManagedIndividual.getClassRestrictionsOnProperty(String classURI, String propURI)
          Returns the restrictions that apply to the given property in the context of the class with the given URI.
static MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.getFixedValueRestriction(String propURI, Object value)
           Create a new restriction to state that all individuals of a certain class must have the given value for the given property.
static MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.getPropertyBanningRestriction(String propURI)
           Create a new restriction to state that no individual of a certain class has the given property, i.e. the maximum cardinality of the given property is zero.
 MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.getRestrictionOnPath(String[] path)
          Get a MergedRestriction of a property path previously set by appendTo(MergedRestriction, String[])
 MergedRestriction OntClassInfo.getRestrictionsOnProp(String propURI)
          Get the restriction that are defined for a property.
 MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.merge(MergedRestriction other)
          Create a new MergedRestriction that is a combination of this restriction and the given restriction.

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.owl with parameters of type MergedRestriction
 void OntClassInfoSetup.addRestriction(MergedRestriction r)
          Add a restriction to a property.
 MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.addRestriction(MergedRestriction r)
          Add all restrictions of the given MergedRestriction, performing a sanity check.
 MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.appendTo(MergedRestriction root, String[] path)
          Appends this restriction to the given root restriction on the given property path.
 MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.merge(MergedRestriction other)
          Create a new MergedRestriction that is a combination of this restriction and the given restriction.

Uses of MergedRestriction in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owl

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owl that return MergedRestriction
 MergedRestriction Service.getInstanceLevelRestrictionOnProp(String propURI)
          Returns the restriction on the given propPath, if it was previously added to Service.instanceLevelRestrictions using Service.addRestriction(MergedRestriction, String[], Hashtable).
protected static MergedRestriction Service.getRestrictionOnPropPath(Hashtable restrictions, String[] propPath)
          A restriction previously added by Service.addRestriction(MergedRestriction, String[], Hashtable) to the given propPath using the same hash-table of restrictions will be returned by this method.

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owl with parameters of type MergedRestriction
 boolean Service.addInstanceLevelRestriction(MergedRestriction r, String[] toPath)
          A method for adding instance-level restrictions.
protected static boolean Service.addRestriction(MergedRestriction r, String[] toPath, Hashtable restrictions)
          A help method for subclasses to manage their restrictions on properties (from the domain ontology) that are reachable from the subclass, provided that they have a static Hashtable for gathering them.

Uses of MergedRestriction in org.universAAL.middleware.ui

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.ui with parameters of type MergedRestriction
 boolean UIHandlerProfile.addRestriction(MergedRestriction mergedRestriction)
          Adds the restriction.

Uses of MergedRestriction in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.rdf

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.rdf that return MergedRestriction
 MergedRestriction FormControl.getRestrictions()
          Returns possible value restrictions by merging any local or model-based (defined over available form data) restrictions.

Constructors in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.rdf with parameters of type MergedRestriction
FormControl(String typeURI, Object parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Object initialValue)
Group(Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Resource initialValue)
          Constructs a new group.
Group(String typeURI, Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Object initialValue)
Input(String typeURI, Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Object initialValue)
InputField(Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Object initialValue)
          Constructs a new input field.
Range(Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Object initialValue)
          Constructs a new range control.
Repeat(Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, List initialValue)
          Constructs a new repeat control.
Select(Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Object initialValue)
          For use by applications.
Select(String typeURI, Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Object initialValue)
Select1(Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, Object initialValue)
          For exclusive usage by the applications.
TextArea(Group parent, Label label, PropertyPath ref, MergedRestriction valueRestriction, String initialValue)
          For exclusive use of applications.

Uses of MergedRestriction in org.universAAL.ontology.gesture.pointing

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.gesture.pointing that return MergedRestriction
static MergedRestriction PointingGestureInSpace.getClassRestrictionsOnProperty(String propURI)
static MergedRestriction GestureRecognition.getClassRestrictionsOnProperty(String propURI)

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