Uses of Class

Packages that use TypeExpression

Uses of TypeExpression in org.universAAL.middleware.owl

Subclasses of TypeExpression in org.universAAL.middleware.owl
 class AllValuesFromRestriction
          Implementation of OWL AllValuesFrom Restriction: it contains all individuals that are connected by the specified property to individuals that are instances of the specified class expression.
 class BoundedValueRestriction
          Implementation of XSD Value Restrictions: it contains all values (literals or individuals) that meet the specified conditions.
 class Complement
          A complement class expression of a class expression CE contains all individuals that are not instances of the class expression CE.
 class DoubleRestriction
 class Enumeration
          An enumeration of the individuals a1 ... an contains exactly the individuals ai for 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
 class ExactCardinalityRestriction
          Implementation of OWL ExactCardinality Restriction: it contains all individuals that are connected by the specified property to exact exact individuals that are instances of the specified class expression.
 class FloatRestriction
 class HasValueRestriction
          Implementation of OWL HasValue Restriction: it contains all individuals that are connected by the specified property to the given individual.
 class IndividualRestriction
 class Intersection
          An intersection of a set of class expressions CE1 ...
 class IntRestriction
 class LongRestriction
 class MaxCardinalityRestriction
          Implementation of OWL MaxCardinality Restriction: it contains all individuals that are connected by the specified property to at most max individuals that are instances of the specified class expression.
 class MergedRestriction
           Helper class to handle multiple PropertyRestrictions of the same property.
 class MinCardinalityRestriction
          Implementation of OWL MinCardinality Restriction: it contains all individuals that are connected by the specified property to at least min individuals that are instances of the specified class expression.
 class PropertyRestriction
          The base class of all simple restrictions.
 class SomeValuesFromRestriction
          Implementation of OWL SomeValuesFrom Restriction: it contains all individals that are connected by the specified property to an individual that is an instances of the specified class expression.
 class TypeRestriction
 class TypeURI
          Represents the URI of the type of an ontology class.
 class Union
          A union of a set of class expression CE1 ...

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.owl that return TypeExpression
 TypeExpression Union.copy()
 TypeExpression TypeURI.copy()
          No TypeExpression instances are stored in this class, so we do not need to clone.
abstract  TypeExpression TypeExpression.copy()
          Create a copy of this object, i.e. create a new object of this class and copy the necessary properties.
 TypeExpression SomeValuesFromRestriction.copy()
 TypeExpression MinCardinalityRestriction.copy()
 TypeExpression MergedRestriction.copy()
 TypeExpression MaxCardinalityRestriction.copy()
 TypeExpression LongRestriction.copy()
 TypeExpression IntRestriction.copy()
 TypeExpression Intersection.copy()
 TypeExpression IndividualRestriction.copy()
 TypeExpression HasValueRestriction.copy()
 TypeExpression FloatRestriction.copy()
 TypeExpression ExactCardinalityRestriction.copy()
 TypeExpression Enumeration.copy()
 TypeExpression DoubleRestriction.copy()
 TypeExpression Complement.copy()
 TypeExpression AllValuesFromRestriction.copy()
protected  TypeExpression BoundedValueRestriction.copyTo(BoundedValueRestriction copy)
          Helper method to copy Restrictions.
protected  TypeExpression PropertyRestriction.copyTo(PropertyRestriction copy)
          Helper method to copy Restrictions.
 TypeExpression Complement.getComplementedClass()
          Get the complement class.
 TypeExpression TypeURI.getRestrictionOnProperty(String propURI)
          Get the restrictions for the given property.
static TypeExpression TypeExpressionFactory.specialize(Resource r)

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.owl with parameters of type TypeExpression
 void OntClassInfoSetup.addDisjointClass(TypeExpression dj)
          Set this class to be disjoint to the given class expression.
 void OntClassInfoSetup.addEquivalentClass(TypeExpression eq)
          Set this class to be equivalent to the given class expression.
 boolean Union.addType(TypeExpression type)
          Add a new child class expression CEi.
 boolean Intersection.addType(TypeExpression type)
          Add a new child class expression CEi.
static MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.getAllValuesRestriction(String propURI, TypeExpression expr)
           Create a new restriction to state that for all individuals of a certain class the value of the given property is of type expr.
static MergedRestriction MergedRestriction.getAllValuesRestrictionWithCardinality(String propURI, TypeExpression expr, int min, int max)
           Create a new restriction to state that for all individuals of a certain class the cardinality of the given property is at least min and at most max and the value of the given property is of type expr.
 boolean Enumeration.hasSupertype(TypeExpression supertype, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
          Determines if all individuals of this Enumeration are members of the given supertype.
 boolean TypeExpression.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other)
          Returns true if the given type expression has no member in common with the class represented by this type expression, otherwise false.
 boolean Union.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean TypeURI.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
abstract  boolean TypeExpression.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
          Returns true if the given type expression has no member in common with the class represented by this type expression, otherwise false.
 boolean SomeValuesFromRestriction.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean MinCardinalityRestriction.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean MaxCardinalityRestriction.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Intersection.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean HasValueRestriction.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean ExactCardinalityRestriction.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Enumeration.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Complement.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean BoundedValueRestriction.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean AllValuesFromRestriction.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean TypeExpression.isDisjointWith(TypeExpression other, Hashtable context)
          Deprecated. replaced by #isDisjointWith(Object, HashMap, int, List).
 boolean TypeExpression.matches(TypeExpression subset)
          Returns true if the given type expression is a subset of the class represented by this type expression, otherwise false.
 boolean Union.matches(TypeExpression subtype, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean TypeURI.matches(TypeExpression subtype, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
abstract  boolean TypeExpression.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
          Returns true if the given type expression is a subset of the class represented by this type expression, otherwise false.
 boolean SomeValuesFromRestriction.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean MinCardinalityRestriction.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean MaxCardinalityRestriction.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Intersection.matches(TypeExpression subtype, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean HasValueRestriction.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean ExactCardinalityRestriction.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Enumeration.matches(TypeExpression subtype, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean Complement.matches(TypeExpression subtype, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean BoundedValueRestriction.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean AllValuesFromRestriction.matches(TypeExpression subset, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
 boolean TypeExpression.matches(TypeExpression subset, Hashtable context)
          Deprecated. replaced by #matches(Object, HashMap, int, List).
protected  Object PropertyRestriction.matchesNonRestriction(TypeExpression subtype, HashMap context, int ttl, List<MatchLogEntry> log)
          Check all cases where the subtype is not a subclass of PropertyRestriction.PropertyRestriction().
 void OntClassInfoSetup.setComplementClass(TypeExpression complement)
          Set this class to be the complement of the given class expression.

Constructors in org.universAAL.middleware.owl with parameters of type TypeExpression
AllValuesFromRestriction(String propURI, TypeExpression expr)
Complement(TypeExpression toComplement)
ExactCardinalityRestriction(String propURI, int value, TypeExpression ce)
MaxCardinalityRestriction(String propURI, int value, TypeExpression ce)
MinCardinalityRestriction(String propURI, int value, TypeExpression ce)
SomeValuesFromRestriction(String propURI, TypeExpression expr)

Uses of TypeExpression in org.universAAL.middleware.rdf

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.rdf that return TypeExpression
 TypeExpression[] RDFClassInfo.getSuperClasses()
          Get the set of all non-named super classes.

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.rdf with parameters of type TypeExpression
 void RDFClassInfoSetup.addSuperClass(TypeExpression superClass)
          Add a super class.
 void RDFClassInfo.PrivateRDFSetup.addSuperClass(TypeExpression superClass)
 void PropertySetup.setDomain(TypeExpression dom)
          Set the domain that is used to state that any resource that has a given property is an instance of one or more classes.
 void Property.PrivatePropertySetup.setDomain(TypeExpression dom)
 void PropertySetup.setRange(TypeExpression range)
          Set the range that is used to state that the values of a property are instances of one or more classes.
 void Property.PrivatePropertySetup.setRange(TypeExpression range)

Uses of TypeExpression in org.universAAL.middleware.util

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.util with parameters of type TypeExpression
static String ResourceUtil.toString(TypeExpression e)
static String ResourceUtil.toString(TypeExpression e, String prefix)

Constructors in org.universAAL.middleware.util with parameters of type TypeExpression
MatchLogEntry(Integer errorCode, TypeExpression te1, TypeExpression te2, String message, String details)
MatchLogEntry(Integer errorCode, TypeExpression te1, TypeExpression te2, String message, String details, Object... args)

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