Uses of Class

Packages that use ServiceRequest
org.universAAL.middleware.service.owl Contains the most basic helper utility for using the universAAL simplified API. Contains low level helper classes to deal with Service concepts of universAAL. Contains normal helper classes to deal with Service concepts of universAAL.   

Uses of ServiceRequest in org.universAAL.kinect.adapter.serviceBus

Fields in org.universAAL.kinect.adapter.serviceBus declared as ServiceRequest
protected  ServiceRequest AbstractService.servicerequest

Methods in org.universAAL.kinect.adapter.serviceBus that return ServiceRequest
 ServiceRequest AbstractService.getServiceRequest()

Uses of ServiceRequest in org.universAAL.lddi.samples.activityhub.client

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.samples.activityhub.client that return ServiceRequest
static ServiceRequest MyActivityHubServiceConsumer.getAllActivityHubSensorsRequest()
          Create ontological service request no input output: resources that are controled by ActivityHub service

Uses of ServiceRequest in org.universAAL.lddi.samples.device.client

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.samples.device.client that return ServiceRequest
 ServiceRequest DeviceServiceCaller.getAllDevicesRequest()

Uses of ServiceRequest in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.junit

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.junit that return ServiceRequest
protected  ServiceRequest ManifestTestCase.add(String title, String description, ServiceRequest r, boolean extendAll)
protected  ServiceRequest ManifestTestCase.add(String title, String description, ServiceRequest r, int options)

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.junit with parameters of type ServiceRequest
protected  ServiceRequest ManifestTestCase.add(String title, String description, ServiceRequest r, boolean extendAll)
protected  ServiceRequest ManifestTestCase.add(String title, String description, ServiceRequest r, int options)

Uses of ServiceRequest in org.universAAL.middleware.service

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service with parameters of type ServiceRequest
 void ServiceCaller.addAvailabilitySubscription(AvailabilitySubscriber subscriber, ServiceRequest request)
          Adds an availability subscription, in other words a listener, to receive events about the availability of a specified service.
 void ServiceBus.addAvailabilitySubscription(String callerID, AvailabilitySubscriber subscriber, ServiceRequest request)
          Adds an availability subscription, in other words a listener, to receive events about the availability of services matching the given request.
 ServiceResponse request)
          The "normal" (synchronous) way of calling a service.
 String ServiceCaller.sendRequest(ServiceRequest request)
          To be used if the caller would like to handle the reply asynchronously within the method ServiceCaller.handleResponse(String, ServiceResponse), which will automatically be called in another thread when the response is ready.

Uses of ServiceRequest in org.universAAL.middleware.service.aapi

Subclasses of ServiceRequest in org.universAAL.middleware.service.aapi
 class AapiServiceRequest

Uses of ServiceRequest in org.universAAL.middleware.service.impl

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service.impl with parameters of type ServiceRequest
 void ServiceBusImpl.addAvailabilitySubscription(String callerID, AvailabilitySubscriber subscriber, ServiceRequest request)
static ServiceWrapper ServiceWrapper.create(ServiceRequest request)
 boolean ServiceRealization.matches(ServiceRequest request, HashMap context, Long logID)
          Return true if the ServiceRequest matches this ServiceRealization + Context

Constructors in org.universAAL.middleware.service.impl with parameters of type ServiceRequest
ServiceRequestWrapper(ServiceRequest r)

Uses of ServiceRequest in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owl

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owl that return ServiceRequest
static ServiceRequest InitialServiceDialog.getInitialDialogRequest(String serviceClassURI, String vendor, Resource requestingUser)
static ServiceRequest UserInterfaceService.getUIServiceRequest(String serviceClassURI, String vendor, Resource requestingUser)
          Gets the UI service request.
protected static ServiceRequest UserInterfaceService.getUIServiceRequest(UserInterfaceService requestedService, String serviceClassURI, String vendor, Resource requestingUser)
          Gets the UI service request.

Uses of ServiceRequest in

Methods in that return ServiceRequest
static ServiceRequest LightingConsumer.getAllLampsRequest()

Uses of ServiceRequest in

Methods in that return ServiceRequest
static ServiceRequest LightingConsumer.dimRequest(String lampURI, Integer percent)
static ServiceRequest LightingConsumer.getAllLampsRequest()
static ServiceRequest LightingConsumer.turnOffRequest(String lampURI)
static ServiceRequest LightingConsumer.turnOnRequest(String lampURI)

Uses of ServiceRequest in

Methods in that return ServiceRequest
static ServiceRequest LightingConsumer.dimRequest(String lampURI, Integer percent)
static ServiceRequest LightingConsumer.getAllLampsRequest()
static ServiceRequest LightingConsumer.getGetLampsLocationRequest(String lampURI)
static ServiceRequest LightingConsumer.turnOffRequest(String lampURI)
static ServiceRequest LightingConsumer.turnOnRequest(String lampURI)

Uses of ServiceRequest in

Methods in with parameters of type ServiceRequest
 ServiceResponse UAAL.callS(ServiceRequest r)
          Calls a Service with a Service Request.

Uses of ServiceRequest in

Subclasses of ServiceRequest in
 class Request
          A helper class that extends ServiceRequest and adds utility methods to build requests.

Uses of ServiceRequest in

Methods in that return ServiceRequest
static ServiceRequest UtilEditor.requestAdd(String ontologyURI, String[] path, Add argAdd)
          Gives you the typical ADD service request for editor services.
static ServiceRequest UtilEditor.requestAdd(String ontologyURI, String[] path, Object add)
          Gives you the typical ADD service request for editor services.
static ServiceRequest UtilEditor.requestChange(String ontologyURI, String[] path, Change argChange)
          Gives you the typical CHANGE service request for editor services.
static ServiceRequest UtilEditor.requestChange(String ontologyURI, String[] path, Object change)
          Gives you the typical CHANGE service request for editor services.
static ServiceRequest UtilEditor.requestGet(String ontologyURI, String[] path, Object in, String out)
          Gives you the typical GET service request for editor services.
static ServiceRequest UtilEditor.requestGet(String ontologyURI, String[] path, Variable argIn, Output argOut)
          Gives you the typical GET service request for editor services.
static ServiceRequest UtilActuator.requestGetOnOff(Actuator actuator, String out)
          Gives you the typical GET STATUS service request for actuator services.
static ServiceRequest UtilSensor.requestGetOnOff(Sensor sensor, Output argOut)
          Gives you the typical GET STATUS service request for sensor services.
static ServiceRequest UtilSensor.requestGetOnOff(Sensor sensor, String out)
          Gives you the typical GET STATUS service request for sensor services.
static ServiceRequest UtilActuator.requestGetOnOff(String ontologyURI, Actuator actuator, String out)
          Gives you the typical GET STATUS service request for actuator services.
static ServiceRequest UtilSensor.requestGetOnOff(String ontologyURI, Object in, String out)
          Gives you the typical GET STATUS service request for sensor services.
static ServiceRequest UtilSensor.requestGetOnOff(String ontologyURI, Sensor sensor, Output argOut)
          Gives you the typical GET STATUS service request for sensor services.
static ServiceRequest UtilSensor.requestGetOnOff(String ontologyURI, Sensor sensor, String out)
          Gives you the typical GET STATUS service request for sensor services.
static ServiceRequest UtilSensor.requestGetOnOff(String ontologyURI, Variable argIn, Output argOut)
          Gives you the typical GET STATUS service request for sensor services.
static ServiceRequest UtilActuator.requestGetOnOff(String ontologyURI, Variable argIn, Output argOut)
          Gives you the typical GET STATUS service request for actuator services.
static ServiceRequest UtilEditor.requestRemove(String ontologyURI, String[] path, Object remove)
          Gives you the typical REMOVE service request for editor services.
static ServiceRequest UtilEditor.requestRemove(String ontologyURI, String[] path, Remove argRemove)
          Gives you the typical REMOVE service request for editor services.
static ServiceRequest UtilActuator.requestSetOff(Actuator actuator)
          Gives you the typical SET OFF service request for actuator services.
static ServiceRequest UtilActuator.requestSetOff(String ontologyURI, Actuator actuator)
          Gives you the typical SET OFF service request for actuator services.
static ServiceRequest UtilActuator.requestSetOff(String ontologyURI, Variable argIn)
          Gives you the typical SET OFF service request for actuator services.
static ServiceRequest UtilActuator.requestSetOn(Actuator actuator)
          Gives you the typical SET ON service request for actuator services.
static ServiceRequest UtilActuator.requestSetOn(String ontologyURI, Actuator actuator)
          Gives you the typical SET ON service request for actuator services.
static ServiceRequest UtilActuator.requestSetOn(String ontologyURI, Variable argIn)
          Gives you the typical SET ON service request for actuator services.

Uses of ServiceRequest in

Methods in that return ServiceRequest
 ServiceRequest MenuNode.getService(Resource user)
          Create a service request with the user as well as service class and vendor of this node (if this node a leaf node and has an associated service).

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