Uses of Class

Packages that use BusMessage

Uses of BusMessage in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.model

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.model with parameters of type BusMessage
 void AbstractBus.brokerMessage(String senderID, BusMessage msg)
          Calls message handling in BusStrategy (gives sender ID and message to process on the bus).
protected  ChannelMessage BusStrategy.buildChannelMessage(BusMessage m)
protected abstract  void BusStrategy.handle(BusMessage m, String senderID)
          Handle the message.
 void BusStrategy.handleMessage(BusMessage m, String senderID)
          This method handles the message asynchronously, while trying to preserve the order of the messages from the same source, according to the counters of the messages.
protected  void BusStrategy.send(BusMessage message)

Uses of BusMessage in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.msg

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.msg that return BusMessage
static BusMessage BusMessage.createP2PReply(String messageIDInReplyTo, PeerCard receiver, Object content, AbstractBus creator)
          Create a reply message to the message with the given ID, with the content and receiver passed as a parameter.
 BusMessage BusMessage.createReply(Object content)
          Create reply message to this message, with the content passed as a parameter.

Uses of BusMessage in org.universAAL.middleware.context

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.context with parameters of type BusMessage
 void ContextSubscriber.handleEvent(BusMessage m)

Uses of BusMessage in org.universAAL.middleware.context.impl

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.context.impl with parameters of type BusMessage
 void ContextStrategy.handle(BusMessage message, String senderID)

Uses of BusMessage in org.universAAL.middleware.service

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service with parameters of type BusMessage
 void ServiceBus.brokerReply(String calleeID, BusMessage response)
          Can be used by ServiceCallees to send a response to the bus which will be delivered to the caller who initiated the initial request.
 void ServiceBus.brokerRequest(String callerID, BusMessage request)
          Can be used by ServiceCallers to send a request to the bus.
 void ServiceCaller.handleReply(BusMessage m)
 void ServiceCallee.handleRequest(BusMessage m)
          Handles a peer-to-peer request representing a ServiceCall coming from the bus.

Uses of BusMessage in org.universAAL.middleware.service.impl

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service.impl with parameters of type BusMessage
 void ServiceBusImpl.brokerReply(String calleeID, BusMessage response)
 void ServiceBusImpl.brokerRequest(String callerID, BusMessage request)
 void ServiceStrategy.handle(BusMessage msg, String senderID)

Uses of BusMessage in org.universAAL.middleware.ui

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.ui with parameters of type BusMessage
 void UICaller.handleReply(BusMessage msg)
          Handle reply.
 void UIHandler.handleRequest(BusMessage msg)
          Handle request.

Uses of BusMessage in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.impl

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.impl with parameters of type BusMessage
protected  void UIStrategyCaller.UIRequestCall.onRequest(UIStrategyCaller strategy, BusMessage m, String senderID)
protected  void UIStrategyCaller.UIRequestCall.onResponse(UIStrategyCaller strategy, BusMessage m, String senderID)

Uses of BusMessage in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.impl.generic

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.impl.generic with parameters of type BusMessage
protected  void EventBasedStrategy.handle(BusMessage m, String senderID)
protected  void CallBasedStrategy.handle(BusMessage m, String senderID)
 void EventMessage.onReceived(Strategy strategy, BusMessage m, String senderID)
 void CallMessage.onReceived(Strategy strategy, BusMessage m, String senderID)
protected abstract  void CallMessage.onRequest(Strategy strategy, BusMessage m, String senderID)
protected abstract  void CallMessage.onResponse(Strategy strategy, BusMessage m, String senderID)
 void CallBasedStrategy.sendSynchronousResponse(BusMessage original, Object resp)
          For use of CallMessage subclasses to send a response to the call.

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