Uses of Class

Packages that use UIRequest
org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl.importing Contains the most basic helper utility for using the universAAL simplified API. Contains low level helper classes to deal with UI concepts of universAAL.   
org.universAAL.ui.gui.swing.bluesteelLAF Bluesteel Look and feel package, features a metal look with blue buttons. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing universAAL connector (UIHandler) and the Handler's core features. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.formManagement Form Managing is the "art" of deciding which form to show at each moment. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model The Model contains all the Classes that translate from the IO RDF into Swing components. 

Uses of UIRequest in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.junit

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.junit with parameters of type UIRequest
protected  void ManifestTestCase.add(String title, String description, UIRequest request)

Uses of UIRequest in org.universAAL.middleware.ui

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.ui that return UIRequest
 UIRequest IDialogManager.getSuspendedDialog(String dialogID)
          When the application has informed the bus that a suspended parent dialog is now ready to be resumed, then the bus uses this method in order to fetch the suspended parent dialog.

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.ui with parameters of type UIRequest
 void IUIBus.adaptationParametersChanged(IDialogManager dm, UIRequest uicall, String changedProp)
          Only the Dialog Manager (DM) can call this method.
 void UICaller.adaptationParametersChanged(UIRequest call, String changedProp)
          Adaptation parameters changed.
 void IUIBus.brokerUIRequest(String callerID, UIRequest uicall)
          Can be used by applications to send a UIRequest.
 boolean IDialogManager.checkNewDialog(UIRequest request)
          Check new dialog.
 int UIHandlerProfile.getMatchingDegree(UIRequest uiRequest)
          Determines whether the given UIRequest matches this profile and returns the weighted matching degree.
abstract  void UIHandler.handleUICall(UIRequest uiRequest)
          Handle ui call (UIRequest).
 void UICaller.sendUIRequest(UIRequest uiRequest)
          Sends UIRequest.

Uses of UIRequest in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.impl

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.impl that return UIRequest
 UIRequest UIStrategyCaller.UIRequestCall.getRequest()

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.impl with parameters of type UIRequest
 void UIBusImpl.adaptationParametersChanged(IDialogManager dm, UIRequest uiRequest, String changedProp)
 void UIBusImpl.brokerUIRequest(String callerID, UIRequest req)
          Asks the bus to find an appropriate UI handler and forward the request to it for handling

Constructors in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.impl with parameters of type UIRequest
UIStrategyCaller.UIRequestCall(UIRequest req, String CallerID)

Uses of UIRequest in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager with parameters of type UIRequest
 void ExportManager.sendUIRequest(String sourceId, UIRequest request)

Uses of UIRequest in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl with parameters of type UIRequest
 void ExportManagerImpl.sendUIRequest(String sourceId, UIRequest request)

Uses of UIRequest in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl.exporting

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl.exporting with parameters of type UIRequest
 void ProxyUICaller.invoke(UIRequest req)
 void ExportedProxyManager.sendUIRequest(String sourceId, UIRequest request)

Uses of UIRequest in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl.importing

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl.importing with parameters of type UIRequest
 void ImportedProxyManager.realizeRemoteUIRequest(String targetId, UIRequest uiRequest)

Uses of UIRequest in

Methods in with parameters of type UIRequest
 void UAAL.requestUI(UIRequest ui, IUIListener l)
          Requests User Interaction and specifies how the response would be handled.

Uses of UIRequest in

Subclasses of UIRequest in
 class Dialog
          A helper class that lets you build UIRequests easily so you can send them with your UICaller class.
 class Message
          A helper class that lets you build UIRequests easily so you can send them with your UICaller class.
 class SubDialog
          A helper class that lets you build UIRequests easily so you can send them with your UICaller class.

Uses of UIRequest in

Methods in that return UIRequest
 UIRequest UserDialogManager.getSuspendedDialog(String dialogID)
          Get a suspended dialog.
 UIRequest DialogManagerImpl.getSuspendedDialog(String dialogID)
          Get a suspended dialog.

Methods in with parameters of type UIRequest
 boolean UserDialogManager.checkNewDialog(UIRequest request)
          This method is called by the UI bus and determines whether a dialog can be shown directly (e.g. by comparing the dialogs priority with the priority of a dialog that is currently shown).
 boolean DialogManagerImpl.checkNewDialog(UIRequest request)
          This method is called by the UI bus and determines whether a dialog can be shown directly (e.g. by comparing the dialogs priority with the priority of a dialog that is currently shown).
 void UserDialogManager.pushUIRequest(UIRequest req)
          Order a UIRequest to be sent. pushing a UIRequest through this method will skip the priority check and the UIRequest will be sent Immediately to any UIHandler.
 void UserDialogManager.resumeUIRequest(UIRequest req)
          Resume an existing dialog.

Uses of UIRequest in

Methods in with parameters of type UIRequest
 void AdapterUserLocation.adapt(UIRequest uiRequest)
 void AdapterUserImpairments.adapt(UIRequest request)
 void AdapterUIPreferences.adapt(UIRequest uiRequest)
 void AdapterMessageInternationalization.adapt(UIRequest request)
 void AdapterDialogPrivacyLevel.adapt(UIRequest request)

Uses of UIRequest in

Methods in that return UIRequest
 UIRequest DialogPriorityQueueVerbosity.get(String UIReqID)
          get the UIRequest corresponding to the UIReqID.
 UIRequest DialogPriorityQueue.get(String UIReqID)
          get the UIRequest corresponding to the UIReqID.
 UIRequest DialogPriorityQueueVerbosity.getCurrent()
          Get the currently selected UIRequest.
 UIRequest DialogPriorityQueue.getCurrent()
          Get the currently selected UIRequest.
 UIRequest DialogPriorityQueueVerbosity.getNextUIRequest()
          If IUIRequestPool.hasToChange() then get the next UIRequest, updating the current.
 UIRequest DialogPriorityQueue.getNextUIRequest()
          If IUIRequestPool.hasToChange() then get the next UIRequest, updating the current.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type UIRequest
 Collection<UIRequest> DialogPriorityQueueVerbosity.listAllActive()
          Get the Active UIRequest set.
 Collection<UIRequest> DialogPriorityQueue.listAllActive()
          Get the Active UIRequest set.
 Collection<UIRequest> DialogPriorityQueueVerbosity.listAllSuspended()
          Get the Suspended UIRequest set.
 Collection<UIRequest> DialogPriorityQueue.listAllSuspended()
          Get the Suspended UIRequest set.

Methods in with parameters of type UIRequest
 void NonRedundantDialogPriorityQueue.add(UIRequest UIReq)
          Add a new UIRequest.
 void DialogPriorityQueueVerbosity.add(UIRequest UIReq)
          Add a new UIRequest.
 void DialogPriorityQueue.add(UIRequest UIReq)
          Add a new UIRequest.
 int o1, UIRequest o2)

Uses of UIRequest in

Methods in that return UIRequest
 UIRequest IUIRequestPool.get(String UIReqID)
          get the UIRequest corresponding to the UIReqID.
 UIRequest IUIRequestPool.getCurrent()
          Get the currently selected UIRequest.
 UIRequest IUIRequestPool.getNextUIRequest()
          If IUIRequestPool.hasToChange() then get the next UIRequest, updating the current.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type UIRequest
 Collection<UIRequest> IUIRequestPool.listAllActive()
          Get the Active UIRequest set.
 Collection<UIRequest> IUIRequestPool.listAllSuspended()
          Get the Suspended UIRequest set.

Methods in with parameters of type UIRequest
 void IAdapter.adapt(UIRequest request)
          Perform an UI adaptation over UIRequest.
 void IUIRequestPool.add(UIRequest UIReq)
          Add a new UIRequest.
 Group ISystemMenuProvider.getSystemMenu(UIRequest request)
          generate the system Group for a given UIRequest.

Uses of UIRequest in

Methods in with parameters of type UIRequest
 Group TaskBarSystemMenuProvider.getSystemMenu(UIRequest request)
 Group SmartPendingSystemMenuProvider.getSystemMenu(UIRequest request)
 Group ClassicSystemMenuProvider.getSystemMenu(UIRequest request)

Uses of UIRequest in org.universAAL.ui.gui.swing.bluesteelLAF

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.gui.swing.bluesteelLAF with parameters of type UIRequest
 void Init.processPrefs(UIRequest currentDialog)

Uses of UIRequest in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing with parameters of type UIRequest
 void Handler.handleUICall(UIRequest req)
          Handle UIRequest.

Uses of UIRequest in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.formManagement

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.formManagement that return UIRequest
 UIRequest SimpleFormManager.getCurrentDialog()
          get the Dialog Being currently displayed.
 UIRequest QueuedFormManager.getCurrentDialog()
          get the Dialog Being currently displayed.
 UIRequest OverlayFormManager.getCurrentDialog()
          get the Dialog Being currently displayed.
 UIRequest HierarchicalFormManager.getCurrentDialog()
          get the Dialog Being currently displayed.
 UIRequest FormManager.getCurrentDialog()
          get the Dialog Being currently displayed.

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.formManagement with parameters of type UIRequest
 void SimpleFormManager.addDialog(UIRequest oe)
          Callback for incoming dialogs.
 void QueuedFormManager.addDialog(UIRequest oe)
          Callback for incoming dialogs.
 void OverlayFormManager.addDialog(UIRequest oe)
          Callback for incoming dialogs.
 void HierarchicalFormManager.addDialog(UIRequest oe)
          Callback for incoming dialogs.
 void FormManager.addDialog(UIRequest oe)
          Callback for incoming dialogs.
protected  void HierarchicalFormManager.renderFrame(UIRequest req)
          Render the frame.

Constructors in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.formManagement with parameters of type UIRequest
FrameManager(UIRequest req, ModelMapper mp)

Uses of UIRequest in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model that return UIRequest
protected  UIRequest FormModel.getRequest()
          Get the original Request.

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.model with parameters of type UIRequest
 void FormModel.setRequest(UIRequest request)
          Set the Original Request.

Uses of UIRequest in org.universAAL.ui.handler.sms

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.handler.sms with parameters of type UIRequest
 void SmsUIHandler.handleUICall(UIRequest uiRequest)

Uses of UIRequest in org.universAAL.ui.ui.handler.web.html

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.ui.handler.web.html with parameters of type UIRequest
 void Handler.handleUICall(UIRequest req)
          Handle UIRequest.

Uses of UIRequest in

Methods in that return UIRequest
 UIRequest SimpleFormManager.getCurrentDialog()
          get the Dialog Being currently displayed.
 UIRequest FormManager.getCurrentDialog()
          get the Dialog Being currently displayed.

Methods in with parameters of type UIRequest
 void SimpleFormManager.addDialog(UIRequest oe)
          Callback for incoming dialogs.
 void FormManager.addDialog(UIRequest oe)
          Callback for incoming dialogs.

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