Uses of Class

Packages that use BusMember   
org.universAAL.context.che Contains the universAAL-specific wrappers. 
org.universAAL.context.chemobile Contains the implementation. Contains the implementation, including OSGi Activator... 
org.universAAL.samples.utils.server Contains the most basic helper utility for using the universAAL simplified API. Contains normal helper classes to deal with Context concepts of universAAL. Contains full advanced helper classes to interact with Services of universAAL. Contains normal helper classes to deal with UI concepts of universAAL.   
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing universAAL connector (UIHandler) and the Handler's core features. 

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class SessionPublisher

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class SituationMonitorImpl

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.context.che

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.context.che
 class ContextHistoryCallee
          The CHe service callee receives all service calls issued to the CHe through the service bus.
 class ContextHistorySubscriber
          The CHe subscriber subscribes for all context events in order to save them to the store.

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.context.chemobile

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.context.chemobile
 class MobileHistorySubscriber
          The CHe subscriber subscribes for all context events in order to save them.

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class SCallee
          The service callee receives all service calls issued to the profiling server through the service bus.

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.context.reasoner

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.context.reasoner
 class CHECaller
          This class contains methods to perform SPARQL-Requests on the CHE.
 class CSubsMulti
          Class used to register multiple subscribers, each of them using just a single mcontext event pattern, and having an associated SPARQL CONSTRUCT query.
 class ReasoningProvider
          The main task of the ReasoningProvider is the handle Situations, Queries and Rules (please have a look also at the description in the Activator).

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.drools

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.drools
 class DroolsReasonerProvider
          Provider to for the services of the rules engine.

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.drools.engine

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.drools.engine
 class Suscriber
          Suscriber component for listening ALL the context event in the context bus.

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.hw.exporter.zigbee.ha.devices

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.hw.exporter.zigbee.ha.devices
 class DimmerLightCallee
          Exporter class that acts as wrapper towards uAAL.
 class ExporterActuatorCallee
 class ExporterDimmerCallee
 class ExporterSensorCallee
 class IASZoneCallee
          Exporter class that acts as wrapper towards uAAL.
 class OccupancySensorCallee
          Exporter class that acts as wrapper towards uAAL.
 class OnOffLightCallee
          Exporter class that acts as wrapper towards uAAL.
 class PresenceDetectorCallee
          Exporter class that acts as wrapper towards uAAL.
 class TemperatureSensorCallee
          Exporter class that acts as wrapper towards uAAL.

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.kinect.adapter.defaultComponents

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.kinect.adapter.defaultComponents
 class DefaultContextSubscriber
          This class is a ContextSubscriber which calls back an IContextCallback if receives a ContextEvent.

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.lddi.exporter.activityhub

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.lddi.exporter.activityhub
 class AHServiceProvider
          uAAL service provider (service bus) for the ActivityHub no ontology definitions here!

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.lddi.fs20.exporter

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.lddi.fs20.exporter
 class FS20Server
          Handles service calls from uAAL and reacts on them

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.lddi.hdp

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.lddi.hdp
 class ContinuaHdpManagerProvider

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.exporter

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.exporter
 class KnxServiceCallee

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.lddi.manager.publisher

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.lddi.manager.publisher
 class ServiceProvider

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.lddi.samples.activityhub.client

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.lddi.samples.activityhub.client
 class MyActivityHubContextListener
          This class handles ontological context events by subscribing specific event patterns on the uAAL context bus This class is stateless; no objects (sensors) are stored here LogUtil from uAAL-Middleware is used here

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.lddi.samples.device.client

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.lddi.samples.device.client
 class DeviceContextListener
          This class handles ontological context events by subscribing specific event patterns on the uAAL context bus This class is stateless; no objects (sensors) are stored here LogUtil from uAAL-Middleware is used here

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.api.impl

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.api.impl
 class ServiceCalleeWrapper
          Basic class for wrapping ServiceCallee.

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.member

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.member
 class Callee
          Registers to an RPC-bus for receiving requests to be replied.
 class Caller
          Registers to a bus in order to send requests needing a reply; hence, it must be able to handle replies.
 class Publisher
          Publishes events to an event-bus and may receive requests to be replied.
 class Subscriber
          Subscribes to an event-bus for events to handle them and simultaneously may re-ask the publishers on the same bus for more info; hence, it must be able to handle replies, too.

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.model

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.model that return BusMember
protected  BusMember BusStrategy.getBusMember(String memberID)
          Returns bus member instance based on the bus member ID.
 BusMember AbstractBus.getBusMember(String memberID)
          Returns bus member instance based on its member ID.
 BusMember[] AbstractBus.getBusMembers()

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.model with parameters of type BusMember
 String AbstractBus.getBusMemberID(BusMember bm)
          If the passed argument is indeed a registered member of this bus, returns the local ID with which it has been registered with the bus, otherwise null.
 String AbstractBus.register(ModuleContext module, BusMember m, BusMemberType type)
          Registers a new bus member (adds a bus member to the list of all bus members but only if it has not been added before).
 void AbstractBus.unregister(String memberID, BusMember m)
          Unregisters bus member from the bus (if the bus member with given ID exists).

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.model.util

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.model.util that return BusMember
 BusMember[] RegistryMap.getAllBusMembers()
 BusMember[] IRegistry.getAllBusMembers()
 BusMember RegistryMap.getBusMemberByID(String memberID)
 BusMember IRegistry.getBusMemberByID(String memberID)
 BusMember RegistryMap.removeMemberByID(String memberID)
 BusMember IRegistry.removeMemberByID(String memberID)

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.model.util with parameters of type BusMember
 void RegistryMap.addBusMember(String memberID, BusMember busMember)
 void IRegistry.addBusMember(String memberID, BusMember busMember)
 void IRegistryListener.busMemberAdded(BusMember busMember)
 void IRegistryListener.busMemberRemoved(BusMember busMember)
 String RegistryMap.getBusMemberID(BusMember busMember)
 String IRegistry.getBusMemberID(BusMember busMember)

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.permission

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.bus.permission with parameters of type BusMember
 void AccessControl.registerBusMember(ModuleContext owner, BusMember m, String brokerName)
 void AccessControl.unregisterBusMember(ModuleContext owner, BusMember m)

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.context

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.context
 class ContextPublisher
          Provides the interface to be implemented by context publishers together with shared code.
 class ContextSubscriber
          Provides the interface to be implemented by context subscribers together with shared code.
 class DefaultContextPublisher
          The default context publisher simply ignores the notification about losing connection to other instances of the middleware.

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.context.impl

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.context.impl with parameters of type BusMember
 void ContextBusImpl.unregister(String memberID, BusMember m)

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.service

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.service
 class DefaultServiceCaller
          The default service caller simply ignores the notification about losing connection to other instances of the middleware and calls the services either only in an synchronous way (using the method or ignores the asynchronous responses.
 class ServiceCallee
          This is an abstract class that the service callee members of the service bus must derive from.
 class ServiceCaller
          /** This is an abstract class that the service caller members of the service bus must derive from.

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.service.impl

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.service.impl with parameters of type BusMember
 void ServiceBusImpl.unregister(String memberID, BusMember m)

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.tracker

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.tracker with parameters of type BusMember
 void IBusMemberRegistryListener.busMemberAdded(BusMember member, IBusMemberRegistry.BusType type)
          Method invoked if new BusMember is registered in the bus of specific 'BusType'.
 void IBusMemberRegistryListener.busMemberRemoved(BusMember member, IBusMemberRegistry.BusType type)
          Method invoked if BusMember is unregistered from the bus of specific 'BusType'.

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.ui

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.ui
 class UICaller
          Provides the interface to be implemented by applications together with shared code.
 class UIHandler
          Provides the interface to be implemented by UIHandlers together with shared code.

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.impl

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.impl with parameters of type BusMember
 void UIBusImpl.unregister(String memberID, BusMember m)

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.reliability.reasoner

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.reliability.reasoner
 class ReliabilityReasonerPublisher
 class ReliabilityReasonerSubscriber
 class SCaller

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.communicator.service

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.communicator.service with parameters of type BusMember
 ImportEntry RemoteSpacesManager.importRemoteContextEvents(BusMember sourceMember, ContextEventPattern[] cpe)
 ImportEntry RemoteSpacesManager.importRemoteService(BusMember sourceMember, String serviceType, String serverNamespace)
 ImportEntry RemoteSpacesManager.importRemoteUI(BusMember sourceMember, String modailtyRegex)

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager that return BusMember
 BusMember ImportEntry.getMember()

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager with parameters of type BusMember
 void ExportExecutor.exportBusMemberForRemote(BusMember sourceMember)
 void ImportExecutor.internalImportRemoteService(String uuid, BusMember sourceMember, String targetMemberIdRegex, String serverNamespace)
 void RepoEIManager.memberAdded(BusMember member)
 void RepoEIManager.memberRemoved(BusMember member)
 void ExportExecutor.removeExportedBusMember(BusMember sourceMember)
 void ImportExecutor.removeRemoteBusMember(BusMember sourceMember, String targetMemberIdRegex)
 void ImportEntry.setMember(BusMember member)

Constructors in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager with parameters of type BusMember
ImportEntry(String id, BusMember member, String uuid, InternalImportOperation operation, boolean success, String errorMessage)

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl

Fields in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl declared as BusMember
protected  BusMember InternalEIOperation.busMember

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl that return BusMember
 BusMember InternalEIOperation.getBusMember()

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl with parameters of type BusMember
 void EIManagerRegistryListener.busMemberAdded(BusMember member, IBusMemberRegistry.BusType type)
 void EIManagerRegistryListener.busMemberRemoved(BusMember member, IBusMemberRegistry.BusType type)
 void ExportManagerImpl.exportBusMemberForRemote(BusMember sourceMember)
 ImportEntry ImportManagerImpl.importRemoteContextEvents(BusMember sourceMember, ContextEventPattern[] cpe)
 ImportEntry ImportManagerImpl.importRemoteService(BusMember sourceMember, String serviceType, String serverNamespace)
 ImportEntry ImportManagerImpl.importRemoteUI(BusMember sourceMember, String uiType)
 void ImportManagerImpl.internalImportRemoteService(String uuid, BusMember sourceMember, String targetServiceType, String serverNamespace)
 void ImportManagerImpl.internalImportRemoteUI(String uuid, BusMember sourceMember, String targetUIType)
 void ImportManagerImpl.memberAdded(BusMember member)
 void ExportManagerImpl.memberAdded(BusMember member)
 void ImportManagerImpl.memberRemoved(BusMember member)
 void ExportManagerImpl.memberRemoved(BusMember member)
 void ExportManagerImpl.removeExportedBusMember(BusMember sourceMember)
 void ImportManagerImpl.removeRemoteBusMember(BusMember sourceMember, String targetMemberIdRegex)
 void InternalEIOperation.setBusMember(BusMember busMember)
static boolean EIConstraintEvaluator.shouldExport(BusMember member, InternalEIOperation operation)
static boolean EIConstraintEvaluator.shouldImport(BusMember member, InternalEIOperation operation)

Constructors in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl with parameters of type BusMember
InternalEIOperation(BusMember member, RepoOperation op)

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl.exporting

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl.exporting that return BusMember
 BusMember ExportEntry.getMember()

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl.exporting with parameters of type BusMember
 void ExportedProxyManager.busMemberAdded(BusMember arg0, IBusMemberRegistry.BusType arg1)
 void ExportedProxyManager.busMemberRemoved(BusMember arg0, IBusMemberRegistry.BusType arg1)
 void ExportEntry.setMember(BusMember member)

Constructors in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl.exporting with parameters of type BusMember
ExportEntry(String id, BusMember member, InternalEIOperation operation)
InternalExportOperation(BusMember member, RepoOperation op)

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl.importing

Constructors in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.eimanager.impl.importing with parameters of type BusMember
InternalImportOperation(BusMember member, RepoOperation op, String uuid)

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class LightingProvider1

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.samples.context.reasoner.client.uaalinterface

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.samples.context.reasoner.client.uaalinterface
 class ContextEventRecorder
          This class records all events at the context-bus by registering itself with a generic pattern (subject need to be a resource, what is true anyway).

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.samples.ctxtbus

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.samples.ctxtbus
 class CPublisher
 class CSubscriber
 class CSubscriber2

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class LightingConsumer

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class LightingProvider

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class LightingProviderLevel1
 class LightingProviderLevel2
 class LightingProviderLevel3

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class UIProvider

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.samples.simple.ui

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.samples.simple.ui
 class MainButtonProvider
 class SimpleUI

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.samples.uibus

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.samples.uibus
 class OPublisher

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.samples.utils.client

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.samples.utils.client
 class SubscriberExample
 class UIExample

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.samples.utils.server

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.samples.utils.server
 class CalleeExample

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class AuthenticationPublisher
          This class should be used when the Authentication is successful, to allow the Session Manager to uplift the authentication to a Session.
 class UserPaswordAuthenticatorClient
          This class is a helper for all those components that need to authenticate a user by means of user password authentication.

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class UserPasswordCallee

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class WrapperC
          This class is for internal use by the utility API only.
 class WrapperS
          This class is for internal use by the utility API only.
 class WrapperUI
          This class is for internal use by the utility API only.

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class UtilPublisher
          Class that can be used to easily create a Context Publisher that can be used in almost all situations.
 class UtilSubscriber
          This abstract class can be extended to create a simple Context Subscriber.

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class UtilActuatorCallee
          This is an abstract class for those who want to use the typical services of an actuator (get status, set on, set off) over an ontological service.
 class UtilEditorCallee
          This is an abstract class for those who want to use the typical services of an editor (get, add, change and remove) over an ontological service.
 class UtilSensorCallee
          This is an abstract class for those who want to use the typical services of an sensor (get status) over an ontological service.

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class UtilUICaller
          This abstract class can be extended to create a UICaller that automatically registers its own Service Callee with the typical Main Menu "Start" service, that will be called by the Dialog Manager when the user requests the application form the Main Menu.

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class DialogManagerImpl
          The UICaller implements the interface IDialogManager.
 class DMServiceCaller
          DMs ServiceCaller.

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class AdapterUserLocation
          Acts as context subscriber to location of a given User and adds this location info to all UIRequests for that user.

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class UIPreferencesBufferSubscriptor
          The mechanism to update the UIPreferencesSubProfile is though the Context bus, when an update is needed outside the UI.DM just publish an event whith the UIPreferencesSubProfile as object.

Uses of BusMember in

Subclasses of BusMember in
 class UIPreferencesSCallee
          Handles the service call for starting UI Preferences Editor screen.
 class UIPreferencesUICaller
          UI Preferences Editor dialog provider.

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing
 class Handler
          Main uAAL interfacing class.

Uses of BusMember in org.universAAL.ui.handler.sms

Subclasses of BusMember in org.universAAL.ui.handler.sms
 class SmsUIHandler
          SMS UI Handler.

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