Uses of Class

Packages that use ManagedIndividual   
org.universAAL.context.che Contains the universAAL-specific wrappers. Contains the implementation, including OSGi Activator... 
org.universAAL.samples.servserver Contains raw helper classes to deal with Context concepts of universAAL. Contains low level helper classes to deal with Context concepts of universAAL. Contains normal helper classes to deal with Context concepts of universAAL.   

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class SessionManagerService

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.context.che

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.context.che
 class ContextHistoryServices
          Here are described the provided services that are registered by the CHe in the service bus.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class SCalleeProvidedService
          The class where all service profiles are built.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.context.reasoner

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.context.reasoner
 class ProvidedReasoningService
          This implementation of ReasoningService contains all methods currently supported by the Reasoner.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.drools

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.drools
 class ProvidedDroolsReasonerService
          Service descriptor for the rule engine.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.lddi.exporter.activityhub

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.lddi.exporter.activityhub
 class AHServiceOntology
          Definition of service for the uAAL service bus (service profiles) for available ActivityHub devices.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.lddi.fs20.exporter

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.lddi.fs20.exporter
 class ProvidedFS20Service
          all the services of Controlled FS20 Devices (FS20Gong && FS20Display)

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.lddi.hdp

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.lddi.hdp
 class ProvidedContinuaHdpManagerService

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.exporter

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.exporter
 class KnxServiceCalleeProvidedService

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.middleware.api.impl

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.middleware.api.impl
 class SimplifiedApiService
          This is a simple helper class used for generating the profiles in the persona way.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.middleware.context.owl

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.middleware.context.owl
 class ContextProvider
          Ontological representation of a ContextProvider
 class ContextProviderType
          An enumeration for indicating the type of a context provider, which may be a controller, a gauge, or a reasoner.

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.context.owl that return ManagedIndividual
 ManagedIndividual[] ContextProvider.getContextSources()
          Returns the list of devices used by this context provider.

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.context.owl with parameters of type ManagedIndividual
 boolean ContextProvider.setContextSources(ManagedIndividual[] sources)
          Allows to assign a set of ManagedIndividuals as the origin of the Context Information provided by this ContextProvider.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.middleware.owl

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.middleware.owl
 class ComparableIndividual
          Represents the class of individuals that can be compared to other individuals for finding out their (partial) order.

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.owl that return ManagedIndividual
static ManagedIndividual ManagedIndividual.getInstance(String classURI, String instanceURI)
          Returns an instance of a registered subclass selected by the given class URI.

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.owl with parameters of type ManagedIndividual
 void OntClassInfoSetup.addInstance(ManagedIndividual instance)
          Add an instance of this class.
static Vector ManagedIndividual.getNonAbstractSuperClasses(ManagedIndividual indi)
 void OntClassInfoSetup.toEnumeration(ManagedIndividual[] individuals)
          Make this class an enumeration class by explicitly specifying all instances of class.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class AbsLocation
          A very abstract representation of locations just at a level needed by the middleware.
 class LevelRating
 class Rating
          An enumeration originally designed for rating the perceived quality of a service but kept at a more generally shared level, because it can be used not only for rating services but generally as a rating system.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owl

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owl
 class InitialServiceDialog
 class Service
          The root of the hierarchy of service classes in universAAL.
 class UserInterfaceService

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.owl

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.middleware.ui.owl
 class AccessImpairment
          Main class used for modeling of access impairments (e.g. related to sight, hearing, speaking, physical condition).
 class DialogType
          Defines types of dialog that can be System menu, Message, Subdialog and Standard Dialog.
 class Modality
          Defines modalities which can be: voice, gui, gesture, sms, web or mobile
 class Preference
          Main class used for modeling of User Preferences.
 class PrivacyLevel
          Defines privacy levels that can be: insensible, known_people_only, intimates_only, home_mates_only, personal
 class Recommendation
          Core concept for Modal Recommendations over FormElements.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub
 class ActivityHub
          Ontological SERVICE that handles activity hub devices.
 class ActivityHubSensor
          Ontological representation of an activity hub sensor concept, to be extended by different sensor types.
 class ActivityHubSensorEvent
          Intermediate concept.
 class ContactClosureSensor
          Ontological representation of a contact closure sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class ContactClosureSensorEvent
          Ontological enumeration of contact closure sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Indepentend living activity hub).
 class CoSensor
          Ontological representation of a CO (carbon monoxide) sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class EnuresisSensorEvent
          Ontological enumeration of enuresis sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class EnvironmentalSensorEvent
          Ontological enumeration of environmental sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class FallSensorEvent
          Ontological enumeration of fall sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class GasSensor
          Ontological representation of a gas sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class MedicationDosageSensor
          Ontological representation of a medication dosage sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class MedicationDosageSensorEvent
          Ontological enumeration of medication dosage sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class MotionSensorEvent
          Ontological enumeration of motion sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub), edition 2010-05-01 Methods included in this class are the mandatory ones for representing an ontological enumeration in Java classes for uAAL.
 class PersSensor
          Ontological representation of a PERS (personal emergency) sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class PersSensorEvent
          Ontological enumeration of PERS (personal emergency) sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class PropertyExitSensor
          Ontological representation of a property exit sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class PropertyExitSensorEvent
          Ontological enumeration of property exit sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class SmokeSensor
          Ontological representation of a smoke sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class SwitchSensorEvent
          Ontological enumeration of switch sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class TemperatureSensorEvent
          Ontological enumeration of temperature sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub), edition 2010-05-01 Methods included in this class are the mandatory ones for representing an ontological enumeration in Java classes for uAAL.
 class UsageSensor
          Ontological representation of a usage sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
 class UsageSensorEvent
          Ontological enumeration of usage sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub), edition 2010-05-01 Methods included in this class are the mandatory ones for representing an ontological enumeration in Java classes for uAAL.
 class WaterSensor
          Ontological representation of a water sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.ext

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.ext
 class AdaptorPlugActuator
          Ontological representation of an adaptor plug actuator.
 class AdaptorPlugActuatorEvent
          Ontological enumeration of adaptor plug actuator events.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.av.device

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.av.device
 class LoudSpeaker
          Ontological representation of a loudspeaker device.
 class Microphone
          Ontological representation of a microphone.
 class VideoCamera
          Ontological representation of a video camera.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.av.service

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.av.service
 class CameraService
          Ontological service that controls a video camera.
 class LoudSpeakerService
          Ontological service that handles loudspeakers.
 class MicrophoneService
          Ontological service that handles microphones.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.av.streaming

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.av.streaming
 class AudioCompression
          Ontological enumeration of different audio compression algorithms.
 class AudioFile
          Ontological representation of an audio software file.
 class AudioFormat
          Ontological representation describing an audio format.
 class AudioStream
          Ontological representation of a software audio stream.
 class Compression
          Ontological representation of a software compression algorithm.
 class EndPoint
          Ontological representation of a software endpoint in a transmission of TCP/IP data.
 class Format
          this class should be the representation of a media format and is used for streaming processes
 class Stream
          Ontological representation of a software data stream.
 class VideoCompression
          Ontological enumeration of different video compression algorithms.
 class VideoFormat
          Ontological representation describing a video format.
 class VideoStream
          Ontological representation of a software video stream.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.che

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.che
 class ContextEvent
          Helper class that replicates ContextEvent as a ManagedIndividual with the possibility of not defining some of its properties.
 class ContextHistoryService
          The ontological description of the Context History related services.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.continua

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.continua
 class ContinuaHealthDevice
 class ContinuaHealthManager

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.dependability

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.dependability
 class ContinuedFault
 class DevelopmentFault
 class DirectFault
 class EarlyTimingFault
 class ErrorDetector
 class ExternalFault
 class Fault
 class FCR
 class IndirectFault
 class InteractionFault
 class IntermittentFault
 class InternalCauseFault
 class LateTimingFault
 class NonMaliciousFault
 class NonParametricFault
 class OperationalFault
 class ParametricFault
 class PermanentFault
 class PhysicalFault
 class PropertyFault
 class RecoveryAction
 class Sensor
 class ShapeFault
 class SoftwareFault
 class StructuralFault
 class Symptom
 class TimingFault
 class TransientFault
 class ValueFault

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.device

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.device
 class Actuator
 class BlindActuator
 class BlindController
 class BlindSensor
 class ContactSensor
 class COSensor
 class CurtainActuator
 class CurtainController
 class CurtainSensor
 class DimmerActuator
 class DimmerController
 class DimmerSensor
 class DosageSensor
 class DosageValue
 class EnuresisSensor
 class EnvironmentSensor
 class ExitSensor
 class ExitValue
 class FallSensor
 class FloodSensor
 class GlassBreakSensor
 class HeaterActuator
 class HeaterController
 class HeaterSensor
 class HumiditySensor
 class LightActuator
 class LightController
 class LightSensor
 class MotionSensor
 class MotionValue
 class PanicButtonSensor
 class PresenceSensor
 class StatusValue
 class SwitchActuator
 class SwitchController
 class SwitchSensor
 class TemperatureLevelSensor
 class TemperatureLevelValue
 class TemperatureSensor
 class ValueDevice
 class ValueType
 class WaterFlowActuator
 class WaterFlowController
 class WaterFlowSensor
 class WindowActuator
 class WindowController
 class WindowSensor

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.device.home

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.device.home
 class CarpetSensor
          Ontological representation of a pressure sensor embedded on a carpet.
 class Oven
          Ontological representation of an oven appliance.
 class SirenActuator
          Ontological representation of a siren that can be sounded.
 class Strap
          Ontological representation of any device that can be attached to a person by a strap.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.disease.owl

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.disease.owl
 class Diagnostic
          A diagnostic is the procedure trough which a a disease is identified.
 class Disease
 class DiseaseSeverityStatus
 class DiseaseTimeEvolvingStatus
 class Epidemiology
 class Etiology
 class Patogeny
 class Pronostic
 class Sympthom

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.drools

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.drools
 class Consequence
 class ConsequenceProperty
 class DroolsReasoning
 class Fact
 class FactProperty
          Key-Value pair defining a fact property.
 class Rule
          Drools Rule.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class Furniture
          Ontological representation of any furniture.
 class FurnitureType
          Ontological enumeration of possible furniture types.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.gesture.pointing

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.gesture.pointing
 class GestureRecognition
 class PointingGestureInSpace

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.handgestures

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.handgestures
 class HandGestures
 class HandGestureService
 class HandGestureType

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class ActivityHeartRateRequirement
 class BloodPressureMeasurementTreatment
 class BloodPressureRequirement
 class Diet
 class HealthProfile
 class HealthyHabitsAdoption
 class HeartRateMeasurementTreatment
 class HeartRateRequirement
 class MeasuredPhysicalActivity
 class MeasurementRequirements
 class MotivationalStatusType
 class PerformedMeasurementSession
 class PerformedSession
 class PlannedSession
 class ReposeHeartRateRequirement
 class StatusType
 class TakeMeasurementActivity
 class Treatment
 class TreatmentPlanning
 class Walking
 class WeightMeasurementTreatment
 class WeightRequirement

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class DisplayTreatmentService
          Launch display of a treatment.
 class HealthService
 class PerformedSessionManagementService
          This class describes the performed session management service, which consists of storing a performed session and listing the sessions associated to the health profile performed by the assisted person.
 class PlannedSessionManagementService
          This class describes the planned session management service, which consists of editing, creating and deleting a planned session.
 class ProfileManagementService
 class TreatmentManagementService
          This class describes the treatment management service, which consists of editing, creating and deleting a treatment.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.healthmeasurement.owl

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.healthmeasurement.owl
 class BloodPressure
 class HealthMeasurement
 class HeartRate
 class HeartRateSignal
 class PersonWeight

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.ICD10CirculatorySystemDiseases.owl

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.ICD10CirculatorySystemDiseases.owl
 class AcuteRheumaticFever
 class HeartFailure
 class HypertensiveDisease
 class IschemicHeartDisease
 class OtherCirculatorySystemDisease

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.ICD10Diseases.owl

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.ICD10Diseases.owl
 class CertainInfectiousParasiticDisease
 class CirculatorySystemDisease
 class DigestiveSystemDisease
 class MentalDisorder
 class Neoplasms
 class NervousSystemDisease
 class RespiratorySystemDisease

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.impairment

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.impairment
 class Astigmatism
          Ontological representation of astigmatism impairment.
 class ColorBlindness
          Ontological representation of the color blindness impairment.
 class FarSightedness
          Ontological representation of far-sightedness impairment.
 class HearingImpairment
          Ontological representation of a hearing impairment.
 class LightSensitivity
          Ontological representation of light sensitivity impairment.
 class NearSightedness
          Ontological representation of near-sightedness impairment.
 class PhysicalImpairment
          Ontological representation of any physical impairment.
 class SightImpairment
          Ontological representation of any slight impairment.
 class SpeakingImpairment
          Ontological representation of a speaking impairment.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.language

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.language
 class Language
 class LanguageImpl

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class Beaming
          Ontological service that handles beaming light sources.
 class BeamingSource
          Ontological representation of a beaming light source.
 class BlinkableBeaming
          Ontological service that handles blinkable and beaming light sources.
 class BlinkableBeamingSource
          Ontological representation of a blinkable and beaming light source.
 class BlinkableLighting
          Ontological service that handles blinkable light sources.
 class BlinkableLightSource
          Ontological representation of a blinkable light source.
 class ElectricLight
          Ontological enumeration of possible electric light types.
 class FlamingLight
          Ontological enumeration of possible flaming light types.
 class Lighting
          Ontological service that handles light sources.
 class LightSource
          Ontological representation of a light source.
 class LightType
          Ontological representation of a the light type concept, to be extended by different enumerations of types.
 class NaturalLight
          Ontological enumeration of possible natural light types.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class LightingSimplified
          Ontological service that handles light sources.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location
 class Location
          Ontological representation of the location of a physical thing.
 class Place
          Ontological representation of a place (which is not only a location but also has some more properties.
 class Way
          Ontological representation of a way, which is a physical embodiment of a path.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location.address

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location.address
 class Address
          Ontological representation of an Address.
 class MailBox
          Ontological representation of a Mail Box.
 class PhysicalAddress
          Ontological representation of a Physical Address.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location.indoor

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location.indoor
 class BuildingLevel
          Ontological representation of a level of a building (the whole floor).
 class Corridor
          Ontological representation of corridor in a house.
 class EntranceHall
          Ontological representation of the entrance hall of a house.
 class Hall
          Ontological representation of the hall of a house.
 class Home
          Ontological representation of a house as an indoor place.
 class HomeArea
          Ontological representation of a delimited area within a house (do not mistake with the house itself).
 class IndoorPlace
          Ontological representation of a place that is covered (indoors).
 class Room
          Ontological representation of a room in a house.
 class RoomFunction
          Ontological enumeration of possible functions of a room in a house.
 class StairCase
          Ontological representation of a staircase area in a house.
 class StairWay
          Ontological representation of a stairway connecting levels.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location.outdoor

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location.outdoor
 class Building
          Ontological representation of any building.
 class City
          Ontological representation of a city as a generic outdoor place.
 class CityPlace
          Ontological representation of an outdoor place in a city.
 class CityQuarter
          Ontological representation of a city quarter or neighborhood.
 class CityRegion
          Ontological representation of a region in which a city is divided.
 class Country
          Ontological representation of a country as a generic outdoor place.
 class OutdoorPlace
          Ontological representation of a place located outdoors.
 class Region
          Ontological representation of a region as a generic outdoor place.
 class State
          Ontological representation of a state as a generic outdoor place.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location.position

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.location.position
 class CoordinateSystem
          Ontological representation of a geometric location coordinates system.
 class OriginedMetric
          Ontological representation of an origined metric in a geometric coordinate system.
 class Point
          Ontological representation of an exact point in a geometric coordinate system.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.measurement

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.measurement
 class MeanSquareError
          An Error implementation, the mean square error function.
 class Measurement
          The Main Measurement Concept.
 class MeasurementError
 class Signal

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.multimedia

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.multimedia
 class Stereoset
          Ontological representation of a stereoset device.
 class TV
          Ontological representation of a TV appliance.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.personalhealthdevice

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.personalhealthdevice
 class BloodPressureMeasurement
          Ontological representation of a blood pressure measurement (systolic, diastolic pressure and heart rate).
 class BloodPressureMonitor
          Ontological representation of a blood pressure monitor.
 class WeighingScale
          Ontological representation of a weighing scale.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.phThing

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.phThing
 class Device
          Represents the class of physical manufactured things that have some capability.
 class DeviceService
          Ontological service that controls any HW device.
 class PhysicalContainer
          Ontological representation of a container: a physical thing that can contain another physical thing.
 class PhysicalThing
          Represents the class of physical things that are supposed to have a location.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.profile

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.profile
 class AALAppSubProfile
 class AALService
          Ontology class representing an AAL Service
 class AALServiceProfile
          Ontology class representing an AAL Service Profile
 class AALSpace
          Ontology class representing an AAL Space
 class AALSpaceProfile
          Ontology class representing an AAL Space Profile
 class AssistedPerson
          Ontology class representing an Assisted Person
 class AssistedPersonProfile
          Ontology class representing an Assisted Person Profile
 class Caregiver
          Ontology class representing a Care giver user
 class CaregiverProfile
          Ontology class representing a Care giver profile
 class ConnectionDetails
 class Gender
 class HRSubProfile
 class HWSubProfile
 class OntologyEntry
 class PersonalInformationSubprofile
 class Profilable
          Ontology class representing an Profilable concept
 class Profile
          Ontological representation of a root profile.
 class Property
 class Requirement
 class SubProfile
          Ontology class representing a subprofile concept
 class User
          Ontological representation of a person that is a user of the system.
 class UserProfile
          Ontological representation of the specific profile of an any person.

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.profile that return ManagedIndividual
static ManagedIndividual[] Gender.getEnumerationMembers()

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class ContactListSubProfile
 class ContactManagementService

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.profile.service

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.profile.service
 class ProfilingEditorService
          Ontological service that handles and edits profile-related information.
 class ProfilingService
          Ontological generic service that handles profile-related information.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.profile.ui.mainmenu

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.profile.ui.mainmenu
 class MenuEntry
 class MenuProfile

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire
 class Answer
          This class describes the concept of Answer, its properties and its associated methods.
 class AnsweredQuestionnaire
          This class describes the concept of AnswerQuestionnaire, its properties and its associated methods.
 class ChoiceLabel
          This class describes the concept of ChoiceLabel, its properties and its associated methods.
 class ConditionalQuestion
          This class describes the concept of ConditionalQuestion, its properties and its associated methods.
 class MultiChoiceQuestion
          This class describes the concept of MultiChoiceQuestion, its properties and its associated methods.
 class Question
          This class describes the concept of Question, its properties and its associated methods.
 class Questionnaire
          This class describes the concept of Questionnaire, its properties and its associated methods.
 class QuestionnaireService
          This class describes the service given by the questionnaire ontology.
 class QuestionWithMedia
          This class describes the concept of QuestionWithMedia, its properties and its associated methods.
 class SingleChoiceQuestion
          This class describes the concept of SingleChoiceQuestion, its properties and its associated methods.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.reasoner

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.reasoner
 class Persistent
 class Query
 class ReasoningService
 class Situation

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.recommendations

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.recommendations
 class Alignment
          Ontological representation of Alignment in the recommendations ontology.
 class CSSRecommendation
          CSS Recommendation is the scripting recommendation in CSS.
 class GridLayout
          Ontological representation of GridLayout in the recommendations ontology.
 class HorizontalAlignment
          Ontological representation of HorizontalAlignment in the recommendations ontology.
 class HorizontalLayout
          Ontological representation of HorizontalLayout in the recommendations ontology.
 class Layout
          Ontological representation of Layout in the recommendations ontology.
 class MaximumSize
          Used to tell Handlers an element is not supposed to exeed certain dimensions.
 class MinimumSize
          Used to tell Handlers an element is supposed to be bigger than certain dimensions.
 class PreferredSize
          Used to tell UIHandlers the optimal size an element should have.
 class ScriptedRecommendation
          Ontological representation of WebRecommendation in the recommendations ontology.
 class SizeUnit
          Enumerations of possible expressions of Size.
 class VerticalAlignment
          Ontological representation of VerticalAlignment in the recommendations ontology.
 class VerticalLayout
          Ontological representation of VerticalLayout in the recommendations ontology.
 class VisualRecommendation
          Ontological representation of VisualRecommendation in the recommendations ontology.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class AuthenticationService
          Service Description for Authentication.
 class Credentials
          Upper Credentials information Concept.
 class DeviceBoundSession
          Device Bound Session, a session that is only valid for a specific device.
 class LocationBoundSession
          Location bound Session, a session that is only valid within a location.
 class SecuritySubprofile
          Security Subprofile to store Credentials, Roles, AccessRights ...
 class Session
          Upper Session concept.
 class SessionManagementService
          Service Description for checking validity of Sessions.
 class UserPasswordCredentials
          User-Password type Credentials.

Fields in declared as ManagedIndividual
static ManagedIndividual Session.invalid

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.shape

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.shape
 class BooleanShape
          Ontological representation of an merge, intersection or subtraction shape.
 class Box
          Ontological representation of a tri-dimensional box shape.
 class Circle
          Ontological representation of a circle shape.
 class ConeSegment
          Ontological representation of a cone segment shape.
 class Ellipse
          Ontological representation of an elliptic shape.
 class Line
          Ontological representation of a geometric line that can be traveled.
 class LineSegment
          Ontological representation of a segment of a line.
 class MergedShape
          Ontological representation of a merged boolean shape.
 class Path
          Ontological representation of a tri-dimensional path.
 class Polygon
          Ontological representation of a polygon in a tri-dimensional space.
 class Polyhedron
          Ontological representation of a tri-dimensional polyhedron.
 class QuasiCylinder
          Ontological representation of a quasi-cylinder.
 class Shape
          Ontological representation of any geometric shape.
 class Shape2D
          Ontological representation of a bi-dimensional shape.
 class Shape3D
          Ontological representation of a tri-dimensional shape.
 class Sphere
          Ontological representation of a spheric shape.
 class Triangle
          Ontological representation of a triangle in a tri-dimensional space.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class SpaceConfigurationService
          Ontological service that handles the arrangement of locations and physical things in a specific space.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.tutorial

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.tutorial
 class MyConcept
 class MyEnumeration

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.tutorial that return ManagedIndividual
static ManagedIndividual[] MyEnumeration.getEnumerationMembers()

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.ui.preferences

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.ui.preferences
 class AccessMode
 class AlertPreferences
 class AlertType
 class AuditoryPreferences
 class ColorType
 class ContentDensityType
 class GeneralInteractionPreferences
 class GenericFontFamily
 class Intensity
 class MainMenuConfigurationType
 class PendingDialogsBuilderType
 class PendingMessageBuilderType
 class Size
 class Status
 class SystemMenuPreferences
 class UIPreferencesSubProfile
 class VisualPreferences
 class VoiceGender
 class WindowLayoutType

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.ui.preferences.service

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.ui.preferences.service
 class UIPreferencesService
          Ontological generic service that handles UI preferences subProfile-related information.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.unit

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.unit
 class DerivedUnit
 class DividedUnit
 class MeasurableDimension
 class MultipliedUnit
 class Prefix
 class Unit
 class UnitSystem

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class UnitConversionService
 class UnitService

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.vcard

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.vcard
 class BBS
 class Car
 class Cell
 class Email
 class Fax
 class Internet
 class ISDN
 class Modem
 class Msg
 class Name
 class Organization
 class Pager
 class PCS
 class Tel
 class VCard
 class Video
 class Voice
 class X400

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.X73

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.ontology.X73
 class AbsoluteTimeStamp
 class BloodPressureDia
 class BloodPressureSys
 class BodyWeight
 class compoundBasicNuValue
 class MDS
 class MDSAttribute
 class Pulse
 class SystemModel
 class X73

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class LightingService1

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class ProvidedLightingService

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class ProvidedLightingServiceLevel1
 class ProvidedLightingServiceLevel2
 class ProvidedLightingServiceLevel3

Uses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.samples.servserver

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in org.universAAL.samples.servserver
 class ProvidedService

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class UserPasswordDummyService

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class UserPasswordProfileService

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Constructors in with parameters of type ManagedIndividual
Pattern(ManagedIndividual subj, String predicate, Object obj)
          Simple constructor to create a Context Event Pattern with restrictions on the exact subject, the predicate, and the exact object.
Pattern(ManagedIndividual subj, String predicate, String objTypeURI)
          Simple constructor to create a Context Event Pattern with restrictions on the exact subject, the predicate, and the type of object.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class Provider
          Class that can be used to create a Context Provider descriptor with the most commonly used types of simple Context Event Patterns.

Constructors in with parameters of type ManagedIndividual
Provider(String uri, ContextProviderType type, ManagedIndividual subj, String predicate, String objTypeURI)
          Simple constructor to create a Context Provider of a given type with the given restrictions on the subject, the predicate, and the object of the provided events.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Constructors in with parameters of type ManagedIndividual
UtilPublisher(ModuleContext context, String uri, ContextProviderType type, ManagedIndividual sub, String predicate, String objTypeURI)
          Create a simple Context Publisher of the given type which provided events are described by the arguments and is identified with the given URI.
UtilSubscriber(ModuleContext context, ManagedIndividual subj, String predicate, Object obj)
          Create a simple Context Subscriber that will listen to the events matching what is specified in the constructor.
UtilSubscriber(ModuleContext context, ManagedIndividual subj, String predicate, String objTypeURI)
          Create a simple Context Subscriber that will listen to the events matching what is specified in the constructor.

Uses of ManagedIndividual in

Subclasses of ManagedIndividual in
 class UIPreferencesProvidedService
          Provides the service for starting the UI Preferences Editor Dialog.

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